He paused. He had heard the chatter from within the building even outside earlier, yet it was quiet now. He was about to go back to his work, thinking it was just a lull in activity, when he heard gunshots inside. His mind went back to the things about which he had been warned about the resort, how there were ties to the mafia... He let the shovel drop from his hands. He had to warn someone, but who? Would they try to kill him for going to the authorities? He decided on consulting the governing council of the town down the hill. He'd heard the stories of how they dealt with the mafia in times past. They would know what to do.
BBmolla (IC)
nurC (SE)
Pizzadudes (SE)
RayFrost (SE)
Voidedmafia (SE)
Rubicon replaces Jammed
Day 1 Begins
theamatuer replaces LostGirlChan
RayFrost replaces theamatuer
Pizzadudes7 replaces Does Bo Know
Day 2 Begins
Brinatoo replaces Askesis
Day 3 Begins
Day 4 Begins
Aftermath of the Site Crash
Voidedmafia replaces Brinatoo