↑ Bub Bidderskins wrote:
I've always had problems landing Cait's traps right. I try to place them under the enemy champion, but they always move right when the trap sets .
You talking in teamfights or laning phase?
Laning phase you can use them as pseudo-wards. Put them in the riverbush on your end so that if anyone walks through you'll get them. Dropping them in the edges of bushes greatly helps control people like Alistar who like to eat you. If you're under your tower you put them on the sides so they can't harass you easily. If you're at their tower you put them in the way of any ganks. For instance if you're purple_botlane you trap their tribush if you're at their tower. While wards are great, a ganker hitting a trap gives you more time to react.
If you're having trouble always aim behind the champ. Placing it under them only works if they walk to you, then back onto it. You've got to think ahead like that. :/
In teamfights put them in important venues of escape/attack. Two traps can generally block off a small path- while it by no means will stop a determined foe it will slow people down. More importantly, putting traps down in general is a good idea. Even if you don't hit the person you want to trap you will hit SOMEONE in the chaos. If you're winning they'll retreat into your traps- if you're losing they'll hit them as they're chasing.
And Bub, nothing is more satisfying than killing something with a trap as Cait...
Well, maybe the one time I killed a LeBlanc with the net...
That good?
/my main AD is Cait