Yes my Lord, but questions are dangerous, for they have answers.
11 heads and counting now, plurality is adaptive. If our experience might help you, click here.
If you wish to speak to one of us, we are Niamh, Rhiannon, Rhea, Aisling, Saoirse, Selene, Aoife, Fírinne, Aurélie, Lyra and Airna.
Soar on wings of retribution and set the world ablaze
Spy 434 wrote:Shoooting you thinking you're scum but saying your town in my shot call is absolutely the right call and I'm not gonna play spell that out.
It was not the right call. It was the safe, boring, predictable call. I'm dismayed that you were that unsure of yourself that you weren't able to take more of a risk with your shot, or, alternatively, to take the shot on CNH.
Nuwen keeps saying it over and over again. CNH is being protected.
But that's okay, because we supposedly have a vig to take care of situations like that.
Grey 437 wrote:Isn't it amusing
How Red Coyote comes when he is called?
Hey, Wang Chung, what would you prefer? I love this guy. First I'm scum because I only post once a decade. Now I'm scum because I'm posting. Is there a certain amount of time I'm supposed to wait before it's appropriate to post? I think when tomorrow opens, I'll just say everyone's name. Then when they inevitably post, I'll accuse them of just showing up because I called them out. Pretty smart, huh?
But you forward me that posting schedule since you're apparently the arbiter of who should post and when. You know, what's acceptable and all that.
Grey 439 wrote:24 hours with no post...
Oh, I'm sorry, are we counting days where the thread was
? Is that what we're doing, Grey? I know you can post in your QT during that time, but some of us have to wait for the thread to open.
Ask me how long charges of selective posting have been hurled against me, Grey. Ask me. Ask me how many times I've addressed the same issues because the time between my posts happens to be a little longer than every waking hour.
kayne 446 wrote:i didnt even read the rest of the page i just got there, scrolled to quick reply and put that vote in. fuck that noise.
ok. now u can gb2 being irrelevant while the rest of us play the game, thx.
It was not the right call. It was the safe, boring, predictable call. I'm dismayed that you were that unsure of yourself that you weren't able to take more of a risk with your shot, or, alternatively, to take the shot on CNH.
What does this even mean?
What do you think I mean when I say I think you're scum but I called town?
We, the dead, are allowed to post once today. This is our one post, including commentary from all of us.
We are not allowed to post again today, and we don't know whether we'll be allowed to in future days. If another day like this rolls up again, make sure to post any questions you want us to answer beforehand.
It's site meta to ignore the reads of the dead, and the five of us (Kats, quadz, Staeg, AV and yours truly) haven't chatted much back and forth--so tbh the power we could have as a 'dead masonry' is pretty much lost. However, you have our individual reads. Perhaps Nuwen is right--fresh replacement, new reads, let's keep her silent? It's a possibility.
I did not manage to read the game before replacing in, but I have two other gifts for you.
- The first is colored VC. There isn't actual analysis to it, but it should take care of some of the laziness factor in grabbing the votecounts from D1/D2 and putting them together.
- The second gift is a new version of pre-crash D1. Flipped-town players have their posts colored green, quadz-wagon is in brown (at least one of them is scum). This should make the game a bit easier to read at a glance.
It takes quite a bit to load. You can either read it online or download the full thing here.
Let me know if you have issues opening it or you find any errors; I can't reply in-thread, but I can probably handle technical difficulties via Fate.
All the internal links ("In post XYZ, ABC wrote") should work on that file.
From Staeg:
I, Staeg, have a hider-but-not-really-like role: I can target a person; if the person is town, I am modconfirmed as town in the morning, but if he's scum, I die.
I did NOT take any action.
I think that CNH should die today and there's too much purging that needs to be done; I'm not overly good at reading the higher-tier players, but if it was up to me, I'd lynch CNH, kanye, LLD, RC, parama and GI with fire and in that order.
From Tierce:
When it comes to the game, since I was silenced so early (>.> blah blah darkness shakefist etc.)--here follows my step-by-step read of the game, fwiw.
D1 (pre-crash)
Parama had a very good and quick reaction to Reck's dayvig claim. Seven minutes to post, I don't think that he is faking it. On the other hand, Parama trolls like it's nobody's business, so no bloody idea.
SpyreX has a minor towntell immediately after. Without any town flips, he says:
This could just be an expression, but I think it's telling of how some of the town roles are Hearts.
I have an issue with Nuwen: she's a logical scumhunter, and logic = <3 for me. She looks town, but it could be just because I really
like her posts.
Parama's reads here are weird when compared to the NK/lynch results. Food for thought.
I strongly believe the hydra is town, because scumkondi wouldn't flip a table of rage at kanye (who was defending him) when kanye called him badtown. And GreyICE is town for calling this out.
akasfsdhfksg at this stage I'm p-sure any D1 lynch wagon should have had the lynchee on it. Water under the bridge, but oh if I had been playing.
I mean HOLY SHIT, the hydra suggests their presence in their own wagon. This is a town move, not a scum one. If the hydra flipped scum and the wagon was black, you'd turbolynch through the wagon anyway. The hydra was trying to ensure a red wagon. YOU DERPS. (Under the same logic, SpyreX says Town for his vigshot. I love the braining going on in this game when people actually bother to.)
D1 (post-crash)
Seriously do I still have to read sigh. ._. From my previous list, if you remove the town reads and dead town in the quadz wagon, Parama/Reck should be getting the noose.
Post 21 is SpyreX claiming vig who will shoot RC. If I see anyone else calling SpyreX scum there will be fliptable.gif.
Reck going all trolololol makes me anxious, and I'd go for a Reck lynch at this stage.
Scumreads stay the same throughout the day. Reck/Parama/RedCoyote, {Lady Lambdadelta, kanyeknowsbest} because screw lurkers.
Staeg was a scumkill. There was no scumkill the night after. Either they shot Reck, Reck submitted the kill, or someone else did something.
Consider massclaim.
Scum killed suboptimally N1--why?
With no mafia kill (unless they shot me too, but lolwut?) and Reck jailed, I'm inclined to go
There are random components to several roles. GreyICE has varied effects (roleblocker, jailkeeper, doctor, ?), SpyreX needs to bet on the alignment of his shot. We can 1) have a somewhat random redirector, 2) SpyreX's claimed role has a modnote for actual targets, 3) RC is a Nexus. Take all this stuff under consideration
and ffs lynch on the quadz wagon!
Post 332 [Nuwen] - THANK YOU, someone acknowledges that I am part of this game. >.> (Uhm, yeah, a ghostly part anyway.) Post 336 [GreyICE] - What is going on is that Reck is scum, that's what. Post 382 [GreyICE] - CNH is town. Remember the angry fit at kanye? That wasn't faked.
Reck and Parama nominated each other for the D1 wagon.
Ugh ugh ugh. Reck removed himself from the correlations matrix on the D1 wagon and that changes all the results. NUWEN. Get over here and do correlations for everyone, yourself included.
Post 414 [Parama] - This post is scummy as all shit.
Stop trusting Reck as town. Play the numbers. Do the correlations already. Reck got such a high ratio on scumteams with SpyreX because he's excluding himself from the count.
You should be lynching on the D1 wagon. Do not lynch the hydra, they are town. Lynch Parama. Shoot Reck if Parama flips town. RedCoyote can wait, and after him LLD and kanyeknowsbest.
From quadz08:
Staeg not taking an action means he WAS the scumkill, pretty much 100%. If there's a town role that killed him, claim that shit immediately. Look back at who thought Staeg was town on D1 (thanks to Tierce for recovering it), see if any of them make sense as scumz, especially experienced and/or loud players who can direct/convince a scumteam of stuff. I have seen Spyrex do the "lead the town with awesome plan" as scum before... it makes me wary of him. I still think RC is town, but his lack of posting is putting me off that read. CNH dying with fire is :goodchoices:.
From AurorusVox:
I have hardly anything of use to contribute. GI is probscum.
From Katsuki:
GI could be scum... he has a tendency of buddying me HARD when scum.
Stop. Reread. Think about what you are doing for a moment. Then powerlynch scum so I can actually count this game as a victory.
Katsuki, that was one game and you were the doctor protecting me from the other scum team (blocking the kill on me was so hax). You were my lease on life and I loved you.
That which is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil
Hrmmm I like ONE of the deads contributions and the fact they were in the game -time wellll
FTR there was no secret message about in my heart.
I like where you were going about CNR but scum with half a brain would do the same thing (the biggest "fault" with the plan was hitting scum and scum hammering themselves to lolll) and the today play is faaaa but I've been back and forth a lot. Reck/Parama crossvoting is interesting BUT I still think they're town and, to be fair, reck was an "too obvious so I'm not voting him in D1" for me too butttt that was more when I thought this was a double secret backtrack. I could see maaybe them going for staeg.
You should be lynching on the D1 wagon. Do not lynch the hydra, they are town. Lynch Parama. Shoot Reck if Parama flips town. RedCoyote can wait, and after him LLD and kanyeknowsbest.
im okay with this. i will be surprised if there is not at least two scum in rc/parama/reck. knowing that staeg died to scum makes me feel about a million times better about spyrex.
unvote vote reck
spyrex was redirected onto katsuki/tierce. reck was the jailed scumkill.
add me on snapchat and vine and twitter and instagram : ]
You should be lynching on the D1 wagon. Do not lynch the hydra, they are town. Lynch Parama. Shoot Reck if Parama flips town. RedCoyote can wait, and after him LLD and kanyeknowsbest.
im okay with this. i will be surprised if there is not at least two scum in rc/parama/reck. knowing that staeg died to scum makes me feel about a million times better about spyrex.
unvote vote reck
spyrex was redirected onto katsuki/tierce. reck was the jailed scumkill.
OMGUS but actually kill it w/ gasoline
im wasted and this is still bad
0 things to say the whole game then suddenly jumps on me.