↑ Fishythefish wrote:I was somewhat posting that because of the multiple people who've gone "yeah, he's scummy, but we won't get any information if he's town" - this implies that a lurker is a worse lynch than another equally scummy person, which is not at all true.
To me, that kinda says those people aren't really that confident funky would flip scum if they're worried about if he's town
without going point by point and iso funky (which wouldn't be that hard actually, but..), the jist of it is that funky has seemed to be spending more time talking about whats not a scum tell and defending people. That seems like a more town mindset, because it narrows the lynch pool and eliminates options, and locks him into a position where he may have to be contradictory later in the game if he's scum. I'd expect scum-funky to focus more on whats scummy and who he can lynch. I wouldn't expect scum funky to defend malee as much as he has regardless of what malee's alignment is, and I think he's made some comments that shows he's trying to figure out alignments rather than find a point he can lynch someone for (ie:
http://forum.mafiascum.net/viewtopic.ph ... 2#p3920092). I know in the game lost in the crash, funky bussed the hell out of me when I started looking scummy, so I wouldn't expect him to defend a scum partner, and based on what I know of funky I don't expect he would bother defending townies if he were scum either.
I'm not saying that I think his play is a token model of excellent scumhunting, or that he's at all effective or helpful to the rest of the town, just that IMO his motivations seem to be town-sided rather than scum-sided.
I don't really think he was parroting your meta comments - we were in a game together when the site crashed, we were both scum. Unfortunately the game thread is lost but out of the 3 or 4 times I've played in a game with funky, I've felt that was his best game I've seen. There was no one calling him a VI, and many people calling him town. Yet he was scum. Every other time I've ever played with town-funky, and its been like this. Lots of people calling him useless and wanting him lynched. I still think thats indicative of funky being more comfortable playing when he has more information (aka as scum), even though he has said in here that he doesn't like being scum. By the way, I think that is another sign that he is town here - that he didn't just accept my meta defense of him earlier on in the game.
As for his comments about nacho earlier on, I agree with 4nx that there's no scum motivation to not vote if you calling someone sure scum, and I don't see funky as the type of player who would just backpedal away from a read as scum just for getting asked a few questions about it. All the attention and suspicion he's getting doesn't seem to make him want to answer everyone's questions quicker or more thoroughly. I think if he's the type of player that wants to placate others, it wouldn't just be limited to one instance where he changed his suspicion because he was getting attention, he'd be more likely to make sure to respond to everything else against him as well.