↑ Agent_Ireland wrote:NumberQ because we have nothing to go on for him and it's better than dealing with WIFOM in my opinion
How is that better?
↑ Agent_Ireland wrote:NumberQ because we have nothing to go on for him and it's better than dealing with WIFOM in my opinion
↑ knox wrote:↑ PokerFace wrote:<<catching up working on a post I don't want prodded while writing it
btw I doubt anyone will be able to give an answer to this, but did anyone by chance find an indication in the worst ideas thread about MB going off when he did? Apart from his PR changing it all seems rather random. I know this is worst ideas and all but I was expecting something much more climantic. Maybe I just ain't read enough yet
↑ Agent_Ireland wrote:It looks like he had a 20 post limit. And I thought that if I said it, I would be reminded of my skill level for posting unnecessary information.
↑ Agent_Ireland wrote:Because I want to.
Also, halfway decent idea here, IMO. BBmolla, try and vote someone else. If the votecount changes, we confirm that the vote magnet claim is true, if it changes, scum lead. Any objections to that?
↑ 2birds1stone wrote:Going back to McQueen, will re-evaluate my position on BBmolla.
Unvote: ManiacalLemon
Vote: McQueen
Btw GNR, did you have a clue what you were shooting there? I... I wouldn't mind some sort of softclaim-explanationy-thingy.
↑ izakthegoomba wrote:
numberQ is the only player who has not yet posted - he has also not confirmed. I will be replacing him soon if he does not reappear.
Votecount 1.02
BBmolla (1) - Captain Haddock
ManiacalLemon (1) - 2birds1stone
2birds1stone (0) -none
Candy Corn Vampire (0) -none
IceGuy (0) -none
Amrun (0) -none
Teleporting Speed Hippos (0) -none
Chimera (0) -none
Moneybags (0) -none
mcqueen (0) -none
saulres (0) -none
Robotnick2 (0) -none
Guy_Named_Riggs (0) -none
PokerFace (0) -none
Oversoul (0) -none
ShadowGirl (0) -none
Captain Haddock (0) -none
Phillammon (0) -none
danakillsu (0) -none
Gimmicky Alt (0) -none
numberQ (0) -none
Agent_Ireland (0) -none
RedPanda (0) -none
knox (0) -none
No Lynch (0) -none
Not voting (22) - Guy_Named_Riggs, BBmolla, numberQ, Agent_Ireland, knox, saulres, IceGuy, ManiacalLemon, Phillammon, Chimera, Oversoul, Moneybags, Amrun, danakillsu, ShadowGirl, PokerFace, Robotnick2, Gimmicky Alt, Candy Corn Vampire, mcqueen, RedPanda, Teleporting Speed Hippos
With 24 alive, it takes 13 to lynch. The deadline is 20:00 UTC on 28th April 2012, in (expired on 2012-04-28 21:00:00).