on page 6, post
129 is something that gives you good idea of townieness about Nuwen. that thinking is good; maybe not fully condemning of course, but it is good and townie ish. However, I disagree with it; the post just before it by quil, the 'I am a pussy', shows genuinity in thinking, and it shows honesty. and look at Kanye's post following - another BW jumpon.
so far I like chiaro and quil and Nuwen dislike kanye and uber and yos.
I'll make a culumn that will be better viewed after the post.
post 131 there looks like a genuine misinterpreteation. he seems annoyed because he didn't notice the questionmark at the end of nuwen's post. Kanye's just trying to piss him off it seems, and successfully. the next few posts show you just how honestly annoyed he is; look at the timestamps on his streak of posting. this shows genuine anger(I use this word alot now don't I lol) ; the guy is raging and not understanding what the hell you wanted from him, even if your cases are legit(they are, nuwen). this also explains his replacing out in the future imo.
in 138 nuwen pushes his vote, but with wrong reasoning imo. no tell here. and oh, Nuwen did notice that hebrew piece of info I shot at you guys.
I'm a hebrew speaker and I have spent like 10 minutes of pointed reading about that. I have absolutely no idea how it can possibly relate to the game, and it seems like the picture is really broken and just redirects to an accidental place.
then there's me whining again lol
no comments on next posts, except question: @Uber, explain to me post 149?
going for dinner, be back later...sorry again lol