Benmage wrote:The question is loaded because the obvious answer is that was the sole example. Otherwise he would've listed the additional info to support his claim. Der 1. Moreover if you think about it logically. How many games does he/one play. How many times are any two people in the same game (****Korlash you're from 07, and I'm from 08... How many games have we been in together?)...... Then how many games that they're both in will Vijay also be scum in. Then in how many games that they're together in and Vijay is scum will Vijay react the same way....... Come fucking off it. I literally shook my head is dismay and smirked when I saw you ask him for additional sources.
I've been in three games with V2V in the last three weeks alone so don't get lost on tangential semantics mate.
Two things here broseph: 1) You just disproved his meta then. "How many games will they be together in and V2V is scum and V2V reacts the same way" implying a low number, thus discounting the possibility v2v is scum both in that game and in this game as well. You've actually argued your 'point' too far mate, which suggests you either don't have a point and are just arguing for the sake of it (which is what I do so shove off...) or you believe something else entirely and this 'point' you started with was only a stepping stone to that one. (Would that point be that you felt I was intending to go "AH HA! You don't have more examples thus your meta must be false"?)
2) You don't have to have been in a game with a person to use it as meta. All games are public, so for all I know MOI knew of others. And perhaps he didn't feel the need to list more than one. No one had actually 'called' for him to list examples, so perhaps he had more and only thought to say the one. And of course, for all I know he has been in fifty games with V2V, I don't know how much they play. Wouldn't you agree it's far easier for me to simply ASK him rather then search through fifty games myself?
Come off it... I didn't ask him 'for', I asked him 'if' two completely different implications in those questions. 'For' is a demand for him to support what he said, 'If' is merely a, how the hell did you put it, way to 'better understand it.'
benmage wrote:the answer "yes 5 billion examples" never would've occurred, dont be dumb with me. Him reinforcing it with further sources WOULDNT have given you any upperhand, duh...that strengthens his point. But again, Basic logic suggested this never was going to be the case.
Don't be childish. I know you can understand exaggeration. And why does basic logic suggest that? Did you even read his post 17? There is no reason he couldn't have another example, or hell, another two examples he just didn't feel he needed to mention. 'basic logic' suggests the answer to my question was either 'yes' or 'no' with no implication as to which.
Benmage wrote:Him answering, obviously no diminishes the strength of his point..... even if only subtly.
HA! No it doesn't. OR, I should say, if his point had strength to begin with the answer, then the answer "No" wouldn't diminish it at all. He has listed an example, and if that example holds up then nothing, NOTHING, can diminish that. Should he fail to provide additional games, all that says is that his entire 'case' would rest on the one example given.
The only way his case would be diminished is if the example he provided didn't hold up. Regardless of what I said or did or thought, if what he said was strong failure to say more becomes irrelevant. Thus, there exists no harm to him nor to myself in me asking 'if' he had more.
Benmage wrote:Again. It's as a foregone conclusion. Why would he, calling out Vijay as scum, withhold further damning information on him. And again, mathematically seeing repeat meta like this between two players is idiotically farfetched.
But lets breakdown basic meta. Scum-tell omgus, overreacting and attacking the one who attacks you. Check on the basic level. Without the past precedents a general understanding would recognize MoI's position as valid.
-You yield MoI's reasoning for voting for his beliefs is valid. But what do you think?
... Why did he hold out mentioning it as long as he did? I could suggest five or so potential reasons someone might withhold it, the most likely being they just don't think to say it. That's why you ask... That way, if they didn't think to say it, now they do.
And as far as being farfetched, sure. Perhaps it is. If that's the case, then he says no, and we move on. Hardly a waste out of anyone's day. for a game of information collection, getting a no is far worse then missing the opportunity for a yes mate.
Your breakdown of the meta is just outright stupid (no offense, not saying you are stupid for saying it, just saying what you wrote is physical crap that doesn't make sense) and doesn't actually factor into this discussion. I get the feeling you're saying V2V is so scum, I'm dumb for asking for more reason as to why he is scum.
And I think You've stained his reason with your inane and pointless defense of said reason, thus I now have my suspicions as to why MOI's reasons needed you, a third party, to so viciously defend against an attack I never even made. So I guess, gun to my head, i would say I don't put any weight at all in MOI's reasoning because it it were good this conversation shouldn't have happened.
Benmage wrote:Well I was expecting an answer of yes or no (As I believe you were looking to see if he could strengthen/reinforce his claim or not). And I was going to go from there. But apparently you had an entirely different angel.
Funny, I was expecting an answer of yes or no as well. Weird how that works eh? Things are never so simple... ;-;
I also feel like this conversation has forced me to lose my comedic undertones I've painstakingly sown in past posts... So here's a joke:
Whats brown and sticky? =D