Hezzlucky. Granted there's a ton I haven't read.
He's seemed altogether too consumed by me. He was actually guilty of many of the things he accused me of early on.
-His parade of "Burden of Proficiency" against me is something easy to hide behind.
-His continuous useless tunnelage that I assume by now has everyone tuning him out.
-----In Inglorious Bastards a theme'd mini, I as scum, tunneled on DemonHybrid to no end. I've seen this scum tactic work before.
One it drains the person you tunnel.
Two with little support, or done slowly you can hide being this veil of 'scumhunting' for days.
Three if the person engages back you can create a tangent to hide behind/be consumed by.
Four people tune out the continuous rant and become disinterested in it, and in the people involved.
Like I said, We the scum team in IB, swept the town. DH was also who I'd consider the best town player on the list. And he's who I tunneled.
In the recent scumwiniviational (as scum) I went toe to toe with Glork, probably the best town player in that game. I kept attacking his 'experience'. Glork by the end hated the game, and vow'd never to play another scummyinvite.
In Mafia Invictus (as scum) I purposely kept Tar alive to debate with, again probably the best/ most experienced player in that game.
This aint Hezz's first rodeo. I could see him trying to tackle a big target like me. And as aformentioned the reasoning to tunnel as scum is both logical, and effective.
-Now this is a big ole rant for something that might not even matter as other than reading a bunch, there's a few things I wanted to analyze.
"ITT Benmage is making Shakespeare look cool. I need to bring you to my high school." -Vi
"If i must blantantly follow somone a player cannot do better than blindly following benmage" - tubby216