So fairly standard RVS stuff. There's the DayCop and the DayKill, but I'm writing off both as just jokes. I certainly don't think the "DayKill" was an attempt to stop the wagon.
Oh dear, Havingfitz is playing. X.X sorry, I wouldn't have replaced in if I knew. I'll try my best to be better this time, but then again that won't be hard. Probably just learn to count.
I agree with Pine's FL vote. It looks a touch more like opportunistic bandwagoning rather than attempting to pressure Parama.
AV is just lolzy, I agree with Bunny's sentiment and brizingre just didn't know what was going. Next page. Two down, billion more to go.
Next page has stuff about Nirvana, trolls and Amrun feeling stupid and contagious. Not much except for the fact I don't understand why Vi says that briz's recent join date is why we should jump him.
Amrun talks about Rolling in the Deep with pops, although I have no recollection of that game supporting the idea that "pops punishes bad play" in any way. This thing about voices starts, which seems to be a recurring theme looking at chesskid's posts around my prod dodge. Furthermore, I'm not liking the RF push on bunny.
So far after 4 pages, I'm thinking RF and FL scum. You can chuck Pidgey in there for only talking about the past game with dram and not mentioning anything happening so far.
Next page. Parama is being himself, people are voting him. Hiplop backing off from Amrun that quickly just doesnt sit right with me. Makes me think of scum who don't want to draw attention. Also, I hate it whenever people right off their scummy actions because it started conversation. That would be like me quickhammering and then telling people to write it off because it induces conversation.
Pops is funny XD AV makes sense when talking about Para-scum, and DN-scum isn't too bad. Plus townpoints. Bunny is weird because she votes MoI and then soft-defends him. But really the most important bit in this page is DN attacking AV for having those reads on him by questioning his Parama read. Does not compute. The pidgey thing isn't bad, except for the fact that he hasn't mentioned him at all previously.
Nothing really on the next page. I'm still thinking DN scum. As of page 7, FaerieLord and DN are scum. RayFrost and pidgey have disappeared off the map.
I don't like how pidgey, after being gone for a while, chooses to focus on lurkers. Plus scumpoints. Briz on Parama is bad, and DN is just fluffing around.
MoI makes a good point in 202. DN has not mentioned HF at all, yet says he is pinging his scumdar. Okay, maybe he has. Don't know how I missed that. Sword's vote on BB is no good. RF dislikes sword post so I'll give him town points for that. However, he writes it off rather quickly so not too many.
DN then mentions something about BB, but since it's DN, I'm not touching it with a 10-foot pole atm. The music Vi put is kinda weird. Hiraki is town. RF discussing his meta and how he's trying to change it etc etc is WIFOMish. Not liking it. Updated reads are DN and RF scum, with Pidgey and FL lounging in the background. Chuck in Parama as a dark horse.
FL makes his return here with.. nothing. And funnily, he says SoO's catchup had nothing. Malth wagon is bad, and pidgey on it is worse.
No idea about the next page (page 12). I don't know why, but I can't get anything. Gah, head hurts. Break for now. Okay back. Reread this page, but the only thing I can see is that I don't like Amrun voting for AV. I agree with him.
Amrun is town. Like for real. Forgiven for voting AV. I think I said it before, but Hiraki is still town even if he thinks I'm scum.
After 329 by FakeGod, I can agree with him being scum. Faerie's 325 isn't helping as well. Pidgey-FG scumteam for sure. Not sure about DeathNote, FaerieLord, Parama for teams but I sincerely doubt it's one scumteam. RayFrost can get a null pass for now.
Same old, same old for page 15. Moving on. I can't believe there are 25 more pages X.X
Hiplop failed and the fatal error picture is kinda cool. I'm liking Chesskid, so that slot gets townpoints. I don't get what Vi is trying ti do with the briz vote but whatever, she's better than me.
So pidgey jumps on another wagon. Why am I not surprised? Not liking the Brizingre wagon building up again. Is no good. Although knowing Vi flips SK it kinda makes sense.
433 is scummy. With the case on FG, DN labels it as FG not doing anything to convince him otherwise. Otherwise known as DN doesn't think he's scum. This lends weight to AV's read of DN as scum cruising along, refusing to make any stands to avoid drawing attention to himself. FL proceeds to deliberately misinterpret Pine by saying he was sheeping. Not happy that AV doesn't get FG but oh well.
Next page. I agree with pidgey that bunny needs to vote. I thought Pine was old. and he was a preacher for some reason XD DN arguing semantics, he obviously attacked AV and is now backing down. Anyway I really need to stop now. Will continue if im still alive. X.X jiujitsu
Okay, still alive. Almost broke my collarbone though. Anyway, moving on. Bunny voting Amrun just makes lose all hope for humanity. Okay, I'm going to make a new tell here. It's called the
no replacement Amish tell
. It works exactly like the Amish tell but without a replacement. In other words, you find your own previous play scummy. In my mind, it should follow the same rationale as the Amish tell, which works (ask BB XD). Exactly like Faerie in 491. He chastises Hiraki for voting Pine for voting him because his vote was actually scummy. Lolwhat? I'm gonna push for this lynch. Updated Reads in order of scumminess: Faerie, DeathNote, Pidgey, FakeGod, Parama. I feel like I'm missing somebody. Oh well.
Tierce comes in. Doesn't agree with FG, but I may be biased because I've seen his flip. Then again, I just realised I'm wrong about DeathNote so that doesn't mean much.
More of stuff that doesn't jump out at me. *sigh* moving on.
Bunny is newbtown, so not liking HF's vote on him. Tierce, idk. I think I played with him once and struggled. Although I fpund BB not answering the question about revoting Parama weird so it isn't looking good.