↑ MagnaofIllusion wrote:I think my thoughts are pretty well categorized in the Mafia QT so I'll keep this short.
The fact that this game continued after Day 2 is beyond me.
1. Mod screws up and jumbles around role PMs. When this is discovered the solution of "Oh, let's just add another Town Sane Cop" the the set-up being the decision is mind boggling. Especially given that scum had Goon / RoleCop / Tracker. I'd like to see if Mr. Flay and Hoopla actually do agree that this was their decision regarding the error. 1 Sane Cop in a Set-up is generally powerful. Two in a game with no scum way to counter-act except with Death (no Roleblocker or Godfather for a false clear) is so out of balance I'm amazed it continued. The proper decision would have been to force-replace Amrun and give her replacement the VT role PM.
2. Then we have said roles being Mod confirmed (and they were ... clear as Day when I actually read the thread) and the subsquent confirmed Town clears that created further made the game irreparably damaged.
Had I been reading through the game before I chose to replace in (which I only did to help out post-crash) I would never have taken the slot.
Otherwise congratulations to Town I guess.
To clarify my thoughts on the messy situation.
There were only two real options available: force-replacing Amrun and getting a new player into that slot with the original role PM that was supposed to be sent OR leave the setup as the roles were sent out. Neither option is clean, but you need to consider how the game would be compromised in each situation.
I'd normally suggest force-replacement, but the thing that made it difficult was the fact that Amrun claimed Cop on Day 1, which means the new player now gets caught in a lie and lynched OR the mod has to come into the game and confirm there was a mistake and that player becomes confirmed town.
If we leave the setup as it was sent, nobody should be the wiser - the setup would have a second Cop, but given the theme, typical counterclaiming traps shouldn't apply, as it'd be more than reasonable to expect multiple investigation roles. This is a far less invasive solution and although it's unfair for the scum, it was the outcome that hurt the game least overall. This was mostly my decision, with a bit of input from mith, so the blame can be leveled at me if there needs to be a culprit.
As an aside, Cop/Voyeur/Miller vs a mafia team with two PR's is horribly scum-sided, which also slightly factored into the decision. I'd still even go so far as to say mafia would be advantaged in this setup against Cop/Cop/Voyeur/Miller, but that's a side-point.