↑ Slandaar wrote:
VOTE: Kuribo
Him/Vijay are most likely scum, maybe korlash/staeg.
Elli is probably some jester, mayyybe scum, but I think hes looking for votes.
Toogeloo wagons bad. Vijay was looking for a way on. Staeg most likely scum of people voting but thats thinish.
Kuribos scum because hes in his own little world.
And I get a bunch of shit
CODE: Kuribos trying to derail the thread into shit.
Of course im going to get annoyed
They are not playing the game
Then Amrun starts with the personal insults im such a terrible person right?
I mean its a joke, the 3 should be ashamed. None of them provide links its just complete bullshit.
Look at my ISO, its not actually bad at all considering the ammount of crap I get from the 3. Look at their ISOs.
Anyway im replacing the game will be better off so they can be happy they got their wish they bullied me out of the game
well done