Let's see if you've really been pointing them out all day, shall we?
Post 56 - Gives Whisper townpoints.
Post 77 - No mention of Whisper.
Post 142 - No mention here, either.
Post 153 - Or here.
Post 156 - Or here!
Post 165 - Calls Whisper scum for calling three people potential scum ("nullreads at best") without voting any. Nothing seems to indicate that AVox thinks she might just be trying to think about who she should vote from what I can tell.
Post 169 - Tries to call what he voted for in 165 a slip, and asks MoI about it. MoI promptly shuts it down as a "slip", stating how it really isn't.
Post 180 - Does pressure Whisper some more, though the most it amounts to is trying to get her to name someone to vote. No slip calling here, explicitly or implicitly.
Post 190 - Basically the same as 180, though with the added bit of saying that as far as he can tell Whisper hasn't tried to figure it out yet. Possible implicit "slip"-caling, but nothing explicit.
Post 241, 243 - No mention of Whisper.
Post 247 - Calls his "slip" posturing (which is a better name, probably).
Post 250 - Only calls her scum
Post 287 - Tries to claim the end Whisper's shutdown of 2for1's (/stealingfromMoI) teamcase shows her to think they're town, though I really don't see how that's true.
Post 314 - Only asks if Whisper thinks 2for1 is stupid. No "slip"-calling.
Doesn't mention Whisper again until
Post 365 where he tries to claim he's been riding her all day about her "slip" out of 21 posts (ending at
Post 365), I only see 3-4 explicit or implicit pointing out of slips. THat's nowhere near enough to say you've "pointed [them] out all day".
AV can die tomorrow, most likely.