↑ RayFrost wrote:So uh I joined a ranked team because a lol friend asked me to.
Then he told me I'm going to be our ad carry. I have mf, trist, ashe, urgot, sivir. Order of strength: trist, sivir, mf, urgot/ashe.
Who should I be getting next for an ad? I feel like I'm generically covered for the different style of ad but I'm not entirely sure.
My understanding is trist god tier late game, decent early game, weak mid game. Mf / sivir godly mid / strong early game, slightly drop off late game - mf ult placement make/break for team fighting potential. Urgot godly early/mid game, drops off into late game. Ashe weak early, decent mid, strong late - arrow being a make or break for team fighting potential. So I'm guessing I need to get graves because fuck yeah, but aside from him who all do I really need/want? Corki? Kog'maw?
Tristana is actually very strong from level 3 to 9 or so. Her midgame is weak because the base damages on her abilities aren't enough to cut it anymore and she doesn't have the raw damage to fully wreck a team yet.
MF has a steady downward curve throughout the game. She's really strong at trading early on, and her ult does some pretty excellent damage in the midgame, but her lack of escapes kind of gimps her a bit and she isn't quite as effective as some of the other champs.
Sivir is just strong throughout the game. That ultimate is excellent. Also, pair her up with a Janna and watch your boomerang clip half of the enemy AD's health at level 7.
Urgot is very strong early and midgame, but becomes mostly a utility champion late in the game.
Ashe is very strong in some matchups and very weak in others, but no matter which setup it is, she's not too strong midgame where her arrows are basically the only particularly strong thing about her and fairly strong lategame BECAUSE of the arrow initiations and because she can back it up much better with raw damage. That arrow is a free win if you can aim it.
You have a good list of early game powerhouses (all of them can be used as such) and a decent mix of mid-late game strength, so mostly you should try to fill in the blanks on comps. You don't have anyone that's particularly powerful against bruiser lanes (only Trist has any real escape), so I would suggest adding Graves. Sivir is the only champ in that list with a good escape for Blitzcrank grabs, so I would add in Graves or Vayne. Tristana doesn't work because of the way her jump works.