↑ pappums rat wrote:I dont like how Prana and Nexus have completely ignored my question about Elmo and are avoiding him like the plague.
1 - I'm skimming a lot lately due to still sorting things out in the new place, and spending time with the gf.
2 - I had only posted once since your comment. Hardly "avoiding" and more "I never saw it". "Avoiding it like the plague" is an exaggeration to the highest extent I'd say. But here is my read on him:
Nothing outstanding, beyond the fact he voted Snake, then voted PMysterious, only to unvote Snake... reads very much like he doesn't understand who he's voting at any one time. But considering nothing else stands out for me I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, especially as my brain tends to forget stuff I've done in real life that's important, let alone a quick post on a forum game that was likely just made while he was flicking by.
↑ David Xanatos wrote:Something minor that I picked up on my shiny new screen (:wub:)
↑ pidgey wrote:If you think im making this wrestler up then you can suck a dick. You can think its my fakeclaim i dont care, but yeah,
I got this asshole as my claim
and it pissed me off greatly.
Not too sure I'd call that minor. I'm yet to see anyone call their role in a game their "claim". Claim is always used to mean Safe Claim, and it's enough to make me do a 180 on Pidgey. Nexus has seen me argue against lynching a similar player for a similar mistake back on the UKFF boards only for them to survive something like 2 days before being lynched on the third with a scum flip on the reveal. I'm not having the same mistake again and as Pidgey may as well have said "this is my safe claim name" I'm all for him being today's lynch once we have got all discussion out of it that we need.
I'd like to hear others opinions on that catch by David as well actually. I'm surprised there's not been more response about it.
↑ Internet Stranger wrote:Votes all over the place and lots of posturing and grandstanding. Not worth for me to get involved in all this RVS style cockfighting at the moment.
RVS ended ages ago, either play the game or replace out.
↑ ThAdmiral wrote: ↑ PranaDevil wrote:First, you've twisted what Snake said, and hoping people misread the white-knighting bit. To re-phrase it though, he's said "I'm surprised Prana
been white knighting", so erm... yeah, obviously attempting to swing anything to try and make it stick here. If in doubt, make a bunch of guys look deliberately bad by twisting words, and making shit up, and then you can lynch whichever one works... right?
Ha. I read it as though he said you had been white knighting. Which you have been, vigorously, for pidgey.
Nope, just pointing out a bad wagon, of course that's all changed because of the above. Doesn't mean the earlier reasons were any less crap though.
↑ ThAdmiral wrote: ↑ PranaDevil wrote:Whether you "disagree" or not makes no odds. A vig is put into a set-up to WEAKEN town, because it's rare a vig will hit scum over town.
I'm interested to see where you learned this, because I've always felt the opposite, and as far as I can tell from a mafia design standpoint, I believe my stance is the generally accepted one.
Here, as far as I'm aware. As I say, vigs are swingy, but tend to hit town more than scum, thus based on that likelihood you have to take that into account when balancing the game. If you are balancing and assume the vig will take out more scum than town, you need to about double the size of the scum group (so in 24 player game, instead of say... 5 or 6 scum, you'd wind up needing more like 10, just to make up for the vig nailing them all). Even if you assume they'll hit half scum, and half town, you need to account for that and so the scum group increases, and a poor vig would lead to the scum running over town very quickly. That means you have to look at possibilities such as the vig hitting town, the vig hitting scum, the vig being lynched/nk'd early etc. for the balance... the chance of the vig hitting town (due to probability in the set-up) mean the town needs the increase in players more than scum. Remove a vig and... hey look, more town players doing scum hunting, and less players wiping out others.
Sure, a vig is useful to remove terrible players, or players that are confusing the game, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they will do what we expect them to do, nor be useful in doing it.
So yeah, balance with more town to prevent the vig wiping them out alongside the scum, as it's less likely for a vig to hit correct, let alone correct with all shots.
↑ ThAdmiral wrote: ↑ PranaDevil wrote:so what else does it take to prove he's a lying scum?
As I asked before: tell me why you think a scum aligned player would fake claim vig? Unless they know there is no vig in the game, they're basically signing their own death sentence.
I explained that earlier. I'm not explaining it again at 1:45am... go read my ISO.
↑ ThAdmiral wrote: ↑ PranaDevil wrote:Not what he said, and you are instantly brought to the top list of suspects for attempting to claim that's what he said.
I thought I was already there, lol.
In any case it might not be
what he said but he seems to think that anyone who doesn't comment on those two people are scum. He still hasn't explained why that is.
That's still not what he said at all. He was commenting on the fact Snake made no mention of them. He never even said that made SNAKE scum, let alone anyone else. You were just blatantly twisting what Nexus said to make something out of nothing.