Starbuck wrote:Admitting that you have a town read and then voting that town read is hypocritical! Why don't you see this?
It was near deadline though. It is not that unreasonable to vote for a town read. I can understand how town could be thrown of f by tierce's claim.
Starbuck wrote:Now, this is going in my head and has since kortul died. If kortul hid behind Iec, like everyone believes, then would scum have to choose between another action (i.e. roleblocking) and killing? Because, technically, if kortul hid behind Iec and died because of it, there should be a third kill on Day 1 from the scum. I find it hard to believe that they wouldn't shoot if they have the means to. That's why I believe that kortul didn't hide behind Iec and hid behind me but I was commuted so he got the shot that was meant for me.
But kortul clearly indicated that he would hide behind Iecerint. The fact that he was the sk seems like more than a coincidence and I don't think that kortul would hide behind somebody else.
The scum kill might have been stopped by something else or they might have also targeted kortul.
Starbuck wrote:I'm starting to wonder about a possibly GreyIce-Tierce-greenknight team.
I find GreyIce being scum extremely hard to believe.
Acosmist wrote:And T-Bone continues not to justify his vote.
Please explain how he has not justified his vote.
GreyICE wrote:Don't you get that sticky feeling in the back of your throat that says 'ohhhhh god he's not town at all and I don't know why and I need to put my finger on it but yeah?'
I mean tell me it's not just me, he's just... dead. Not like 'I don't know what's going on' dead, just 'I have no soul but I must post' dead.
I understand but that I don't think that is a good reason to vote for someone. How is he supposed to defend himself?
I'll try to reread t-bone's iso when I have more time.