↑ Teleporting Speed Hippos wrote:At its height (and when it was the leading wagon) the Nocmen wagon was (7) D3f3nd3r, Quilford, DoomYoshi, TheShadow, TheShadow, Nero Cain, vijay2vasandani
Bearing in mind that this was a flash wagon from the start of the day with an obvious "reason" (he didn't die at night), I wonder why most of these players didn't have double votes on him (which would have easily secured his lynch). I suspect it's because there is some town (Shadow, DY?) mixed in with at least two scummz but it's such an "easy" mislynch that they didn't feel the need to exert themselves and tie down to a big wagon together.
Lynch that entire wagon and you won't be going far wrong. Any town that are on it are all too dangerous to take to LYLO anyway.
After NC I'd go v2v and Quil, leave DY for last because I think I remember him saying some townish things?
Basically I'm mining that bitch for gold-plated caughtScum.
This is a fucking A* post, good job, carry on