↑ Kcdaspot wrote:http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/880380
teemo says this was completely salvageable at time of surrender
miss fortune kept on killing me and bot just couldnt hold thier own.. and teemo kept on killing their teemo simultaniously when thier teemo killed him.
i dont think it was salvageable with this team.. i know it can be done but... no one had enough skill to beat them out.
Well, lets do the same as the previous time. I don't exactly know if you knew who was going to go mid, but that should be doable. As kayle, you have surprisingly little to fear from anyone but MF, and even her you beat in a lane. You don't need a regrowth pendant. (which is basically the panic item. AAAAAAAH they are going to murder me).
So, coming into lane, you don't know a thing. You wait till 1.54 and then you facecheck that bush. Just don't. You don't gain a thing from it. If they stay there till the minions come, hide behind your minion wave and try to farm. If they come in then they fight your minions as well. Just leave it.
Then, you find out it's xin/mf you are playing. You probably remember xin from the previous time. The guy seriously hurts early game. Mf is ranged. Nothing you can't deal with. Until you at 3.50 or so, you facecheck the second bush, behind their minion wave, where the mf is. With a xin in lane who is lv2. Jumps on you, gets 3 hits off, that's it. That wasn't aggression you needed to use. You could have farmed and each time Xin tried to get a minion throw a slow or an autoattack on him.
And that's where I stopped!
Surrender, imagine and of course wear something nice.