↑ Ranmaru wrote:What are good ADC's to have? I have been working on my support pool, and I have Sona/Soraka/Janna/Taric (and some others). Now I'm looking to expand on my ADcarries because I only use MF/Teemo. (I might look to expand on Top > Jungling after AD carries in that order)
Also wondering how one can shop faster.
Ashe. When you start getting into more competitive elo's where people understand the meta and team comps and picks actually matter, Graves, Corki, and Caitlyn. Varus is also a good substitute for Caitlyn in a poke comp but he is more complicated and doesn't have an escape whereas Caitlyn's kit is really strong and, as of right now, she's becoming more relevant to non-professional meta's with all the changes to other AD's. Kog carries games really hard if you play him right. He can get shut down in lane vs. an AD who knows what they're doing. I'd suggest getting him after Graves/Corki/Cait because of how good he can be. He's not dominant right now like he used to be but he's still sleeper strong played in the right hands. Focus more on farming and just harassing in lane with taking as little harass back as possible. If you're also practicing cs mechanics in customs, you should have no problem getting really big on him and melting enemy tanks. Tristana, Vayne, and Draven are all people I wouldn't recommend but would suggest eventually learning. The former two's lategames being the most op and Draven having a somewhat high skill cap due to his q->w refresh. Tristana is also really fun once you develop a feel for her and the jump refresh. Nothing is more fun than hopping around in a fight and laughing while the enemy team tries to catch you while you're just orbwalking and jumping.
Giving Sivir her own paragraph because she's who I play the most in ranked right now. So, Sivir is.... a special case. I see people say "she's really good" and others mention "she has no escape and other ad's do what she does but better". The "others" are wrong. Completely fucking wrong. I play Sivir in ranked a lot because 1.) I'm really comfortable with her and 2.) she is the most flexible AD right now. As far as CC goes, she's shitty. Usually, though, AD's never bring CC to their team anyways. They bring damage and any team should be expecting that, not CC. Her kit lets her bring sleeper OP burst damage, poke, good range, an auto-reset with aoe, great kiting potential for anyone good at ad mechanics, and an ultimate that tells your team "Let's fucking go". Out of all that, I like the ultimate the most. When you play by yourself, team coordination is hard to deliver and typing in chat can cost you. When I press R on Sivir, everything is obvious. If they're in front of your team and you're even in HP or they're slightly overextended, everyone on your team knows it's time to all in. If you just took their inhib tower and they just res'd, your team knows "here's a speed boost now back the fuck off" and it helps to accompany it with retreat pings. Also, the attack speed/move speed buff really helps people like Irelia, Jax, Skarner, etc. Her defensive spell, despite being an escape, is sometimes even better. I played a ranked game 2-3 weeks ago where I blocked a skarner's ult 4 times in a row with it by just mindgaming him. That shield is OP when you use it right. I would've died at least twice of those 4 pulls. She has insane damage if you're getting auto's off in a fight, especially if their team is grouped. Having your ricochet bounce in a fight does incredible aoe and her single target damage is no joke either. Her passive gives her move speed so she can kite and chase as long as you use attack-move click with right clicking a.k.a. orbwalking. She also pushes like a beast. Couple that with her damage and, if you have a competent Sivir on your team, she should be melting towers if she wins her lane. That's the main reason I like her in solo queue. I need to be able to tell the other team "hey, Im a problem and if you dont deal with me, Im going to win the game on my own" and she does it well. Pushing and split pushing as Sivir is great if you know when to do it. If you win your lane and you want to end the game fast, great, head over to mid and take that tower. You push so fast that, if their mid ever has to b or isn't a great wave clearer, you're going to take that tower down within seconds.
So, uh, yeah. Again, Ashe is probably the AD I would recommend first due to her kit, how safe she can be, and the method through which she teaches people playing her that they need to position themselves well or they will die. After that, Sivir is a great all-around pick because she does so much for a team. Both are really cheap(I think they're like 450 IP?) so it shouldn't be a problem to buy them.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.