↑ Oversoul wrote:How the hell do you jungle as skarner.
Start Regrowth + Pot with 0/21/9 runes and the "Catchall" Jungler Runes.
Wolves then Blue. People should help with both for both HP retention and cleartimes. Typical jungle pattern.
Skillorder: Max Q. Then W. Ignore E until 13. Max R at 6/11/16.
Buy boots. Buy a Philo Stone.
Ganking Pre6:
Riverbush- press W, run at the enemy. If you can proc your Q on minions on the way in then do it elsewise run at them. Your goal is to Qspam until it dies or they flash.
Laneganks- Sit in bush. When they walk near W at them and combo Q like no tomorrow.
Ganking with Impale:
All ganks follow this pattern. W in, QQQQ (ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT IF THE GANKEE IS SIVIR/NOCTURNE/Banshee's Veil). Ult if you need to.* Generally they'll want to flash after you ult. If they have alot of ground to cover you should be fine withholding the ult until later. If you're laneganking or ganking a pushed lane ult soon (again, care: Sivir/Nocturne/Banshees) and pull them the hell out of there, pressing Q the entire time.
There's nothing wrong with ulting early, but its even better when you can grab someone mid-escape.
When your ult is on CD don't use Q in the jungle. AA minions for the CDR on your ult through your passive. Furthermore realize that it works doubly as effective on enemy champions, so if you're in a fight keep in mind your CDs. There are times I'll gank without my ult knowing that within the next few seconds combined with passive AAs your ult will be up.
Skarner is great because you can build him a half a dozen ways. He has innate tankiness and innate damage so forsaking one for the other is fine (though be mindful of their team). Rushing Shurelya's makes ganks a breeze.
A NOTE HERE: You can Flash THEN Impale, but you can't Impale and THEN Flash. Furthermore Shurelya's-ing AFTER Impaling someone is better than Shurelya's-ing to get in range (circumstances allowing this of course).
In teamfights you are the Initiate. If you happen to have another one (Karthus with Flash, Malphite, Leona) find the enemy AD/AP Carry and eat them alive. Ult them into your team. Never stop pressing Q.
Triforce is all the damage you really need. Frozen Heart and Randuin's work well in similar ways. I prefer FH because the AS Slow compliments the MS slow quite nicely. Also mana. Randuin's is great because MORE SLOWS on top of slows. Shurelya's is one of the first three items.
Speaking of which I've been meaning to try Randuin's/Rylai's/Frozen Mallet Skarner. >___________>
Anything else you need?