↑ kdowns wrote:↑ quadz08 wrote:So I did the taric jungling.
It's fairly meh. No real effect lategame; he doesn't scale well enough, and doesn't have enough utility in lategame teamfights to be worth the farm he gets in the jungle. He does become a solidly tanky champ with fairly low cooldowns and the ability to save carries getting chased down, so he's not awful, but he's not really special, either. *shrug*
Needs moar mummy
I am 100% aware that mummy is da best. This was a FUN EXPERIMENT.
Also, speaking of experiments, I tried jungling Skarner last night. I started regrowth+pot, got a decent leash on blue, and still died at red. Is this a rune issue, or did I just pop my health pot at a bad spot, or what? (I run AP quints, AS reds, armor yellows, CDR blues. I don't play often enough to spend IP on runepages.)