↑ Gammagooey wrote:wait nuwen actually knows this game exists? and hasn't shown up here to say anything.
I know people lose their concept of time while on COLLEGE WINTER BREAK WOOOOO, but this game hasn't even been up a full
I don't see any rules explitcly prohibiting the re-post of QT content, just between mod <-> player. So, here's a repost of the summary I asked for in the QT:
Nuwen wrote:"Reviewed in all aspects." - be sure to ask Reck about DOING IT LIVE a couple drinks in at rererereckoning.
We're going to assume randomization, because that's all there can be. The most severe scenarios are n-1_scum and all_town
the idea behind massclaiming is that any information shared here isn't really action-able, because it points to a source in a smaller pool of players.
if it hasn't been done yet, don't mention this qt in the game thread at all please. if reck hasn't explicitly mentioned that this qt exists, no player should either.
Nuwen wrote:w/e
I'll take cliffs notes on 25 pages. I don't care about details or quotes or posts. Maybe a sentence that summarizes how each thing between commas came to pass if you want to help me.
mod iso says the first people in this game wagoned is Pretentiousdra, and then the next wave for zoidberg, and then BT did something, wyrd enters game.
Do you see Nuwen ADVOCATING A MASSCLAIM (if you're following along: I mentioned a hydra massclaim because it came up earlier in the QT, and was the only 'ping' I picked out while skimming)?
I'mma tell you what you do see: CHESSKID trying to be brazen about his scumplay, because it's
It's funny because for all the