↑Knight of Cydonia wrote:
The more of this shit I see, and the more I see people like Destiny who get carried to Plat and then float there, the more convinced I become that the only foolproof way to get out of "elo hell" is to just get a duo partner to lift you.
Don't forget about only playing one hero 600 ranked games.
Also don't forget how he's been banned 3(4???) times already, so it appears likely that soon he'll end up having to use his almost lvl 30 smurf to try and go back up, but instead of trying to learn new shit while leveling, you're just gonna play draven every game.
Also remember you need to have high elo people who want more stream exposure to duo with you on smurfs.
(1:55:11 AM) ahallucinogenic: it's ok drench
(1:55:21 AM) ahallucinogenic: it's perfectly normal for young children to walk in on their parents making love
(1:55:31 AM) Drench394: i can't wait
He's pretty fantastic, incredibly good at what he does and when used well pillar is stronger then most ults. His steroids are mind bogglingly high (40% move speed, 60% attack speed, 40% tenacity, 40 AD and steals 50% of his targets AR/MR)!
Routine day with a dirt cheap brush
Then a week goes by and it goes untouched
Then two, then three, then a month
Then the rest of your life, you beat yourself up
Just won a long game against an AP trynd who BD like a madman and spammed allchat with shittalk the whole game.
Then my client crashed with the nexus so I couldn't rub it in his face. I am sad.
↑Knight of Cydonia wrote:2/8 no damage items Garen tells me to uninstall because I can't carry him. His advice for teamfights: "just go thru j4 and fid and blitz and get vayne u fukn nob".
See also the lux who insisted she would be fine going support, then sold her faerie charm first back for a Doran's Ring because "we don't need support items you fucking scrub they're just crutches for bad players I'll carry".
The more of this shit I see, and the more I see people like Destiny who get carried to Plat and then float there, the more convinced I become that the only foolproof way to get out of "elo hell" is to just get a duo partner to lift you.
It helps a lot for sure. I was duo bot with one of my friends today and we shut down a stupidly fed J4 Mid down, even with moderately fed Xin jungle and Vlad top. We got his Corki fed in lane phase, and while fed Jarvan did hurt us before my friend could get his BT, once he did, we were fine. J4 would jump him, I'd stun J4, and we'd blow him up in 3 seconds while Mao kept everyone else away. If his Corki wasn't fed enough in lane phase to be able to burst and LS J4 to death while he was stunned, it would've been gg. We absolutely needed to stomp our lane to win the game, and with two of us we were able to. It's a hell of a feeling carrying bads with a buddy.
I don't have anything to put here because my normal signature is images. Weeeeee.
He's pretty fantastic, incredibly good at what he does and when used well pillar is stronger then most ults. His steroids are mind bogglingly high (40% move speed, 60% attack speed, 40% tenacity, 40 AD and steals 50% of his targets AR/MR)!
I've been messing around as Trundle during the free week, and I genuinely haven't had as much fun with a champion in a long time.
Apparently I'll have to relearn my Singed item builds, and I'm currently not yet understanding exactly what has changed, but apparently RoA is no longer the item to go for asap. Half the info I find about it is mostly rhetoric and I'm not getting much further with it. RoA's nerfs themselves seem rather inconsequential (it's still amazing when full), but catalyst nerfs seem to hit hard. 40% regen nerf and somewhere above 30% current health nerf.
Seen that apparently you level once every 1.5 minutes (ideal world) in a solo lane during midgame, that gives 150 health and 200 mana. So, 150/ 90 sec is 1.66 /s or 8.3 HP/5 and 200+(0.25*300)=275 health.
Tear gives 62 current health, maximally 1.33 max mana per sec times 0.25 gives 0.33 hp/s, or 1.65 hp/5. No surprises there. Max mana gives 250 health.
Lolking gives that tear on singed has a positive winrate, not very much unlike seraphs embrace/archangels and I think that means (since it checks the endgame builds) that it's not a problem to end with tear as singed. Tear's still the cheapest source (by far) of mana, so I guess that's the reason to build it?
This would make a little more sense seen that the competative build seems to be Rylais-tear-liandry's, so tear provides the luxury of mana which disappears when leading with RoA, so I think I have to understand this as Liandry's being such an item that it's outdoing RoA as a lategame item. Rylai's would then be the health source/damage multiplier for liandry's.
So basically I'm looking at this the wrong way. Assuming liandry's is huge (and hey, DoT+liandry's work together pretty nicely and tanks generally do well with pen as their scaling is less valuable to drop AP into (they'd be AP mids then), so I think that assumption isnt a bad one to make), the items I'm looking at to start with are RoA, Rylai's and Liandry's. For ease of comparison, lets say they cost the same (RoA is 100 cheaper).
Rylai's brings in 80 AP, 500 health and the slow. RoA starts out at 562 health, 60 AP and regen, ends up with 812 health/80 AP. Liandry's gives 300 health, 15 pen and it's burn (which is at least 2% health damage (no slow, 1 sec), against 1500 health (is that fair average opponent midgame?), that's 30 extra damage, similar to 90AP given singed's scaling).
So, there's still no question about what's the tankiest option, RoA is undefeated there. There's also no question that liandry's makes you quite strong, it'll scale much better towards endgame as opponents get beefier then the competitors. So people are right there, it's probably not worth it to go squish for those 90 free AP.
Leaves the question about Rylai's. It always was a losers option because RoA is more gold efficient in stats you use. The only change here, really, is liandry's condition. Basically you lock in your choice for liandry's if you start with this (as that's the only way the investment is worth it). Doubling liandry's damage for 2k hp champions (endgame) is an easy 40 damage = 120 AP if you manage to take rylai's to endgame. That's a pretty huge swing. Which is obviously undercut by times when the opponents would already be cc'ed. It's rare to perma cc without rylai's or mallet. Perhaps it's only 60 AP, still a bit number.
So basically the amazing item that liandry's is means going squishier then usual as singed is too enticing to pass. The possible mana problems are undercut by going tear (and filling tear isn't the priority/goal)
Surrender, imagine and of course wear something nice.
When I build Singed I build for for " how the fuck do I kill this thing " rather than damage. That means getting a bunch of tanky and sustain items like Frozen Heart, Banshee's Veil, Sunfire Cape, Randuuins, RoA, etc.
I don't like building him for damage because I feel like that's not his role, rather his role should be more of the most annoying and unkillable tank imaginable.
If you start opening tear on singed Myko I will hire CES to shiv you.
Routine day with a dirt cheap brush
Then a week goes by and it goes untouched
Then two, then three, then a month
Then the rest of your life, you beat yourself up
My team is currently looking for a Mid and Support player if anyone is interested in trying out. We have no formal requirements except for being at least Silver rank and being able to come on several days a week at 7:00 PM EST.
↑Ankamius wrote:My team is currently looking for a Mid and Support player if anyone is interested in trying out. We have no formal requirements except for being at least Silver rank and being able to come on several days a week at 7:00 PM EST.