↑ TheButtonmen wrote:I'm serious about 1 and 2.
Never fucking do it.
Zero excuses.
I typically don't bring up KDA, but I brought it up to help isolate what my problem is. (i.e. it's clearly not losing lane or CSing badly)
5) How far would you go to include this on ADCs or assassins?
7) What do you mean?
I try to keep everyone positive as much as possible. One of my duoq partners will bitch at any lane that goes 0-2 and will lose all morale if we fall about 4 kills behind. He is one of the best carries I've ever seen, and clearly mid-high Gold material in terms of skill. (only gameplay problems are bad map awareness and judgement calls, he has amazing mechanics)
He sits in Silver III thanks to his rage, and I reap free elo by catching him while he's calm, talking him down if he rages, fixing his map awareness/bad judgement, and by playing jungle and proceeding to essentially forget what bot lane is, unless I'm getting a free kill there or ward covering for a bad support. I got from like 1100-1350 in like 5 days with him; it was glorious. He's also 13, which is both hilarious and incredibly demoralizing, considering how damn good he is. I've never met a more exact version of "that CoD/Halo kid".
Anyway, I should be on all day today, (Monday) so if anyone wants to duoq with me, or even normals/spectate to help me figure out what I'm doing wrong, please do! I have a feeling it may be this:
↑ mykonian wrote: His team was pretty much behind the whole game, and I don't know how he did it but he kept picking the fights his team could win. He'd die in a couple of initiations, he killed a couple but mostly had his team do it. But it was really impressive to see how he kept finding the fights where his team, even if behind, could score a positive result. He won that game for them even if the enemy team had been ahead till only the last bit.
I had a game as Amumu with Ankamius, and I'd land these amazing 4-5 man QRE combos, but we'd still lose the fight. I kept wondering aloud why we were losing fights when I was repeatedly hitting perfect ults. I still don't know exactly why.
↑ Ankamius wrote: ↑ TheButtonmen wrote:Your whole goal is to stroke your teams ego, herd them into taking objectives, take the blame for everything that goes wrong and to buy fuck tons of wards. You'll be surprised by how few trolls / ragers are on your team once you start getting other lanes ahead by being a roaming pain in the ass for the other team.
This. #1 reason I have a positive win rate in ranked this season right here. It's not that big of a sample size (since I've only played 22 games), but I'm currently 4-2 as support just by spraying the map with wards and forcing the rest of my team to pay attention to what's on the map.
To anyone who has to play support in a game,
keep dragon pink warded from minute 5 all the way to minute 35.
It's a really simple thing to keep track of, but it can drastically improve your chances of winning a game. Make sure all the common entrances for the opposite team is green warded whenever you're about to take dragon. Keep baron pink warded after about minute 20 or so. If you have room to put down another ward on your sightstone, you're doing it wrong.
The best mids to take in my opinion for low ELO games are ganking/assassin mids that are really good at roaming. Akali, Ahri, Lux, Twisted Fate are the ones that come to mind immediately, but it's not exhaustive by any means. Keep your lane shoved and roam around the map to help your other lanes win. If you're doing this correctly, you will have a good chance of being able to snowball at least one of the other lanes. Depending what side you're on, you could even go into the enemy jungle and go behind the dragon/baron pit to gank through the tri-bush if you would be relatively safe doing it. Just be careful about doing that; you're probably better off not doing it if you're not sure you won't be ganked while moving through it.
The last thing I want to make clear is that one person being fed doesn't mean that the game is over by a longshot. TehBrawlGuy can testify to this; we played a duo queue game a couple days ago where the enemy Xin Zhao got around six kills within the first 15 minutes of the game by camping bot lane and ganking me in mid once for a kill. Within ten minutes, we all got our shit together and started winning every single teamfight by a landslide. Caitlyn and I (Ahri) would do a ton of damage while TBG (Singed), Zilean, and Jarvan 4 repositioned the hell out of them for us. This was only really possible by us getting a few lucky ganks and catching people off guard, but this would easily have been a significantly different game if the Zilean's annoyance (since he was really the only one feeding; Caitlyn had one death the entire game) had caused more of us to go on tilt or if the constant camping of bot lane had snowballed into other lanes more effectively.
Like literally, following the list TBM posted will do so much. If you're following that and doing all you can to learn more about the game and how to play it, getting to Gold or Platinum should be much easier with practice and diligence.
Oh, man, that game. Another few things that can definitely be learned from that game are that you have literally no excuse for dying in lane, and that you should always, always, try and slow the bleeding, even in an obviously lost lane. I countered myself super-hard in champ select, (was thinking quinn = adc, forgot she was also a bruiser) but I ended up only dying once in lane, and that was on an all-in I had entirely screwed up. Quinn managed to win in CS by a lot, and took my tower, but I managed to entirely prevent her from outputting presence. I let her push waves into turret and got the CS from those that I could, (she could still poke me very easily, even farming under turret) but I just stayed in lane and willingly missed lots of CS to avoid poke. Because I was constantly in lane, I was not behind in levels, and Quinn was pinned there all game while Anakmius snowballed. Quinn didn't snowball (she lost in kills, thanks to Ahri ganks) and still built pretty squishy, so I wrecked her in teamfights by simply flinging her into 4 people and watching her blow up.
It was amazing. Zilean + Singed is also incredibly hilarious.
Having played with me, is there anything on that lists I don't do?
I don't have anything to put here because my normal signature is images. Weeeeee.