Things I've learned.
1. It's just a game, have fun.
2. Don't waste time on people who think you are scum. Ignore them and keep scum hunting.
3. Don't take everything so personal.
4. Tunneling sucks (unfortunately I can't seem to stop)
↑AngryPidgeon wrote:Ok. I was in a game where scum clearly killed HavingFitz BECAUSE they 'knew' I was targeting their buddy and Fitz was the one kill that could mitigate that.
I don't see how any kill can mitigate a hider breadcrumbing a target on your buddy.
There's really no choice but to rage-bus your buddy the next day, having previously warned him in the QT to shut up and let it happen.
If you're even considering me as scum, your powers of logic aren't as good as you think.
The story I am referencing is evidence of a scumteam doing exactly what you are saying they shouldn't/wouldn't do and Im pretty sure you don't have any counter examples, so tellmemore.jpg.
↑AngryPidgeon wrote:He did by the way. This was SD talking to me about RY and he apparently meant to say "RY wasn't the lynch either" but he said "Ry wasn't the NK either" and it was confusing at first until he explained it.
↑AngryPidgeon wrote:The story I am referencing is evidence of a scumteam doing exactly what you are saying they shouldn't/wouldn't do and Im pretty sure you don't have any counter examples, so tellmemore.jpg.
It never happened to me, just guessing what I'd do in the situation.
BTW if I had any power to NK, Majiffy would be dead. Even if he were my scumpal. He'd have to roleblock me to survive. [/there is a bit of truth in every joke]
Majiffy is someone I'm less opposed to lynching than others. I could see that slot slipping by me. But my confirmation bias is tingling so heavily in your direction.
↑AngryPidgeon wrote:But my confirmation bias is tingling so heavily in your direction.
I expect apologies from you after the game. Some words about a desire to improve would be great.
I mean - I think you're suggesting that I'm scum who shot RachMarie knowing you'd hider-target my buddy SafetyDance? I could shoot SafetyDance along with you and claim vig, I could shoot Majiffy for the joy of it, Bacde because he's smart, let the lurkers decide the game as I charm them into voting each other.
But no, I came into the day thinking, AP did a good thing, I'll present the information without giving away his claim so that we have a list of confirmed townies and work down the list by PoE, and I'm iso'ing everybody, looking things up, eliminating people...
If you had a brain, you'd KNOW I can only be town.
Lol ^. If Bacde is scum, then SD is definitely scum.
@Zoid: Ok. I'll keep an open mind when/if I do that reread. But you saying "I could have shot my scum buddy SD", "I could have shot Majiffy because ???", and "I could have shot Bacde" and then saying "But no, I decided to be protown" is ???
None of that proves anything about your alignment - that is just speculation on people you may have killed that aren't RM. And if you were scum, you would have killed SD if he were town. Without a doubt.
Also you keep tossing RM around like she made sense as an obvious safe kill for scum and simultaneously saying it would have been retarded of you to kill her. What the fuck. I want things my way today. I want to lynch my first scum-hydra.
↑AngryPidgeon wrote:Lol ^. If Bacde is scum, then SD is definitely scum.
@Zoid: Ok. I'll keep an open mind when/if I do that reread. But you saying "I could have shot my scum buddy SD", "I could have shot Majiffy because ???", and "I could have shot Bacde" and then saying "But no, I decided to be protown" is ???
None of that proves anything about your alignment - that is just speculation on people you may have killed that aren't RM. And if you were scum, you would have killed SD if he were town. Without a doubt.
I have to point out the obvious because you have blinders on. Really you should be able to come up with this yourself.
↑AngryPidgeon wrote:Also you keep tossing RM around like she made sense as an obvious safe kill for scum and simultaneously saying it would have been retarded of you to kill her.
↑AngryPidgeon wrote:Lol, no. I watch games, Im in games, Im not talking about where my read is coming from eof.
Im in hyper-troll mode this game and I love it.
I love how you don't bother to reply when
say it.
Look at your post and when it was made. You are calling me scum based on reads from the games I have played. Otherwise you have no basis. If it is based on games going then you should apologise and renege otherwise,
I am asking you to be mod-killed based on site-rules about discussion of current games
P.s. SD's attempts at compromise recently feel off; like I know hes capable of getting frustrated over annoying/bad play and he doesn't feel like he really is, but kind of implies he is. If that made sense to anyone.
That's some reading skills. I'll sleep better at tonight knowing town is safe in your hands.
↑AngryPidgeon wrote:I am highly considering a SD vote.
↑AngryPidgeon wrote:Phonepost: SD is not confirmed town.
I will explain when I can, but Im getting private sexy cuddling times irl tonight, so thisll wait :p.
I leave you with this: I definitely expected you to see things my way. Who else would you say could? Honestly I think SD is scum because of the Rach kill.
My answer to the above is Bacde for sure. Unsure about others.
Tell me, how are you confirmed town btw? You're still alive. Also don't understand how a VT absta, with no info to drive a lynch, can be 100% sure of who scum is and 100% clear now himself. Talking in absolutes here.
Spoiler: nevermind, just seen 928
↑AngryPidgeon wrote:Errr, I was hoping I could keep trolling the scum team today,
but I will likely have to full claim tomorrow.
DrZoid..You are smart. Im a lil weirded out that you aren't seeing the implications of the Rach kill. Assume SD is scum.
↑AngryPidgeon wrote:I don't think Kash is scum. I really think its SD. If scum is setting me up with the Rach kill to think this, then GFG. Or they just rando-killed in which case, trollol.
Ok, so here is my spiel. I am not a 1x Bulletproof.
My 1xBP was just a ruse. I was dropping hider crumbs all day so that the scum team would pick up on it:
The idea was to try and bait the scumteam to kill my target tonight since I was pretty sure they would see my crumbs and think that I was gambiting with my claim 1xBP to get them to shoot me again:
↑AngryPidgeon wrote:I think Im going to look into Safety Dance a little tonight. Like I'm pretty sure hes town, but I just wanna feel better about that read and see if I can't find anything that was hiding before.
I crumbed a hide on absta night 1. Here is the silly part though. I'm not actually a hider either.
Im a Jack of all Trades {1xHide, 1xDoctor, 1xTrack}.
On night 1 I hid behind absta. On night 2 I protected SD (since I expected him to get killed because of my hide crumbs on him). Now, the Rach kill is like reaaaaaalllly out of place. I can't for the life of me imagine why she would get NK'd over the people that were actually big townreads for everyone (and shes VT too, so). Oh wait, yes I can! SD is scum and the RM NK would create a lot of WIFOM when AP flips
Town Hider
alongside VT RM. Because lets face it, I crumbed the shit out of that hide and it was pretty clear to anyone paying attention that I was gunning for SD. I know for a fact that Bacde and Zoidberg picked up on my crumbs. And I have meta of being a hider in an open game in which I said I was going to hide behind a player and then lied and hid elsewhere so that argument could also have been used to protect SD from the implications of my death.
RachMarie is one of the few people that I would have reasonably hid behind which explains why she died - to make SD less suspicious as a result of my crumbs.
DZMD feels so off to me this game and I don't like how quick they were to call SD conftown. I mean I appreciate the hustle, but you weren't even remotely suspicious of what I may have done since I was clearly being deceptive as fuck in the first place with my BP claim? I just want you to know that I may have miscalculated slightly with my SD crumbs, but I'm like 95% on SD being scum as a result, so. I'm always 2 steps ahead of you DGB and don't forget it ,
ALSO. If Bacde is scum then SD is DEFINITELY scum. I will lynch SD over Bacde Today because if Bacde/SD were scum/town, then Bacde would have to be a step ahead of me in my crazy gambit land. And I refuse to believe that.
: Im a Joat {Hide on absta N1, doc on SD N2, unused track}. The scumteam clearly bought my hider story last night because they killed RM and her death makes no sense otherwise unless SD is scum and they were trying to cover for him looking bad on my flip. Zoid/Bacde are the 2 people that I am 100% certain saw my BP claim for the BS that it was and would have picked up on the hider thing. But I think SD needs to go. VOTE: SafetyDance
I'm scum because you doc'ed me and I didn't die? Rofl.