What is logos? And nothing commandodude has said is scummy, its just bad play, but it isnt scummy.In post 298, TheIrishPope wrote:If you could talk in full sentences, that'd be great. My name is not Irish Dude. I am also absolutely serious.
I am using logos to lynch the most apparent scum, Commandodude. I see nothing wrong in that.
So, if I am acting town, I should be lynched? According to you, I express this sentiment in all of my posts. Please, go ahead and quote them all. I'll wait.
My motive is the same. I want to eradicate scum.
Could you elaborate further on your trust in Commandodude and your apparent knowledge of him being "a weak townie"? You can't know how scum posts like. Not every scum posts alike. Every scum has its own mind.
IRISH DUDE, you are acting like scum, I explained that earlier