In post 2206, ArcAngel9 wrote:Well, I mean to say its how you didn't want to vote Jennifer when I said her counter claim was fake.. You agreed with group that Jen is scum but you didn't want lynch her first... you were stuborn.
I made it clear I thought we should vote with Jake that day as long as we thought he was on scum. He was leaning Jen at the time IIRC.
Orcinus was the one who thought we absolutely had to lynch Majiffy on day 3 to make sure it happened at all. Neither of us expected to be alive on day 4 to see that through.
I preferred a Majiffy lynch for the same reasons Orcinus did, but was willing to compromise if Jake wanted to go with Jen. And Jake was leaning that way for part of day 3.
I don't think you were able to keep track of Selkies' split personality!
Day 4, Orcinus and I were in agreement that Jen absolutely should go first. Despite our worries about the game balance if your claim was true, we did not believe that scum-you would have left us alive when it could have been endgame in order to fake-claim doc.
I very seldom policy-vote. This game did not give me reason to do that. IMO Jake's vote was not based on strongest evidence about who was scum.
At the point on day 3 when you were yelling at me and telling me to never sign up for a game with you, the feeling was mutual. I've changed my mind. I probably won't punch my monitor if I see that you've replaced into a game I am playing.

Amid the pressure of great events, a general principle gives no help.
On the path to becoming yourself, you'll need to choose alignment over validation from others, peace over addictive chaos, and being misunderstood over false acceptance. --TheHolisticPsychologist