Invite your friends!
Have them invite
(Jiffy I've already got you and mollie down for /in)
In post 946, Icebox wrote:The reads are a good positioning of those that could be lynched.
Jennifer read: is based off of almost nothing.
Icebox: While Gif is a good person who knows how play without getting suspected, I don't know how to do that.
Varsoon is a newbie lynch. And I'm pretty sure he is town this game.
Majiffy has been a line up lynch for a while, slowly moving away from it, Dripping moving into reversing this momentum climb.
It is a perfectly valid, extremely awesome scum list of reads that fall line by line into a town loss. They're opportunistic, and there are two town possibly 3 in that scum list.She excuses RachMarie's play, but comes down hard on Jennifer because of meta. But meta only excuses so much.
In post 2211, Majiffy wrote:And ugh, all the times I asked Jen to interact with me and she failed to do so *shakes fist*
thanks DGBIn post 2209, DrippingGoofball wrote:Good job indeed!In post 2206, ArcAngel9 wrote:I am proud of my night choices.
This totes should've worked.In post 592, Svenskt Stål wrote:[soon-to-be AA9] + ice + selkies + mr awesome = forever?
That's part of what I worried about and why orcinus and I pushed for you over Jennifer day 3.In post 2244, Majiffy wrote:If you'd not lynched me when you did, you would have been dead and I would have gotten town to lynch AA9.
Yes, because you would have been an easy kill with no chance of being protected by anything.In post 2245, RachMarie wrote:wait you would have NKed me over the Inno Kid?
I was nothing just a VT