In post 214, Oversoul wrote:I'm not entirely sure how I feel about CTD's suggestion anyway...
He tried to do this in the Team Mafia game which caused Glork to suggest it in OGML's New York game in which scum ultimately won... I don't remember a scenario where mass claim Day 1 actually lead to anything fruitful other than KKB's OP town setup game.
I wanted to nip CTD's plan in the bud because I think it would be highly detrimental to the town.
I was not aware that Glork took the suggestion to another game and that they actually went through with it. Having just skimmed that game, I reject your implication that D1 massclaim lead to a scum win. They actually managed 3/4 scumlynches on the first 4 days as a result of it and with the exception of one scum who managed a somewhat creative fake-claim, all the anti-town roles were uncomfortable as fuck and uniformly claimed VT. The mod acknowledged in post-game that the scum was handicapped by the massclaim. It's actually a great example in favor of D1 massclaim.
For those not in the loop, here are some of the benefits of D1 massclaim:
1. The most immediate benefit is obviously a good chance to catch scum outright via counterclaim or set-up analysis.
2. Scum absolutely, positively hate it. They are forced into long-term commitments before they have a chance to get a grasp of the game.
3. It rules out any kind of mid-to-late game claiming shenanigans, which severely hampers the scums strategic options.
4. It allows for better synergy between power roles, which is especially beneficial in a complicated set-up, which Oversoul is suggesting is the case here.
5. It allows for a much better informed D1 lynch as is usually the norm.
People have a knee-jerk reaction to D1 massclaiming that is entirely dictated by tradition and I've never seen a convincing argument that outweights all those benefits. I urge everyone to consider it with an open mind.
Meanwhile, I'm voting Oversoul for essentially soft-claiming with no apparent benefit to the town (as Nacho has put it, we don't need a claim to know of the presence of more than one killing role), and inconsistent framing of his intent behind the claim ("was planning to all along" vs. "was trying to nip massclaim in the butt").
[i]Mgm laughed nervously, his cheeks flushing in the faintest of blushes. "Patrick... I only wanted to be with you... that's why I put the game to night, so Glork would get killed."[/i] - the heartwarming conclusion of Face to Face Mafia