Heh.In post 1846, xMALCOLMx wrote:I was talking shit about killing him during the night because his response was weird as shit, as I said before.
So sue me. I'm not a huge fan of being dead.
Heh.In post 1846, xMALCOLMx wrote:I was talking shit about killing him during the night because his response was weird as shit, as I said before.
In multiball, scumteams have to decide whether the town or scum would be a bigger threat, so they will either use their nightkill hitting scum so they don't have to worry about being killed during the night, or they will use their nightkill to hit town so they don't get lynched. Shield hitting GCBC means that they aren't concerned about the town at that moment (I don't think they were making themselves enough of a threat to justify being killed), but what that also does is put the Heyman team behind early since now we can look for associations. So now Heyman knows that the other team is good enough to find them, which means that they are a threat during the day AND at night. So that combined with the "they shot one of us, we need to shoot one of them" mentality, I figured that other scumteam was probably going for the vig shot so I didn't really care if we no lynched or not. It's not optimal, but it's definitely better than lynching a townread.In post 1849, Desperado wrote:And can you go into more detail about this?
Kise hasn't had a chance to read end of day shenanigans, but I'm going to summarize them for him in a minute. I think that his end of day meltdown was genuine as fuck; the advocating for his own lynch and still not letting go of ferret read showed that he really didn't care about surviving and, based on his posting before that point, I don't think it's something he could fake and pull off as scum.In post 1849, Desperado wrote:What do you see in Mutley that Kise obviously doesn't?
maybe actually read all my posts you dingus i thought the way muttley claimed was townIn post 1845, Skullduggery wrote:Weird. First you thought Krab was Scum, then you did a complete 180 seemingly out of nowhere for no apparent reason. Then you'd rather vote for Goat at the end of the day even though you don't even have a read on him?
Explain yourself.
In post 24, ferretlover wrote:Nero Cain (Post #8):
"I can live with loving pokemon and ferrets, he's out."
When did I say that I liked Pokemon? FOR READING MY MIND.
First and foremost, two votes on two strong town players this game. I would also like to note before I get into this that Ferret knows how to play mafia, and is not new to the game despite being new to site. This is important to note because he is making clearly basic mistakes and seems to be playing up his newness and experience simultaneously.In post 49, ferretlover wrote:It's not anti-town if they are scum
although they wouldn't be voting for themselves if they were scum, but it's WIFOM anyways.
Here we see something not overtly scummy. However, it is notable because this is a player setting themselves up as a median.In post 72, ferretlover wrote:I think that right now it is still all random votes and shenanigans. Can we all just stop overreacting to everything?
Random discusson about a breadcrumb and is arguing that early reveals are pro-town because of their effect on wigggle room? How did this slide?In post 146, ferretlover wrote:This is all a bunch of bullcrap.How was that fishing?
He was just asking about a possible breadcrumb, because scum will use that later if they can and want to. Removing that possibility druing their play makes their claim less believable. I actually think that that is pro-town.
This is basically all the response that was given and then that conversation died.In post 152, ferretlover wrote:I didn't even see any breadcrumb happening, but I don't see it as bad to point out a possible breadcrumb.
No. Read on and you all can see why. but first.. {1}In post 164, ferretlover wrote:oh lol
I just derped around and accidentally clicked RavenPaw's ISO button, and she has vote/unvote FOUR TIMES. I think that alone is enough of a reason to vote for her.
Simply put this post is terribad. If you can't take the time to read and respond to relevant things already in thread then why would you vie for time like this? The hope here is clearly to get a couple of questions that are manageable and let the rest fall away. And he is surprised to get a wagon from his bullshanks, which eventually dies to Goat and etc which he advocates but then goes nowhere with. That is quoted to for reference.In post 468, ferretlover wrote:So I get back from school, and I get a wagon on me. lolwut
What is being expected of me currently? There are so many posts when I get back from school that I get overwhelmed. I have no idea what questions people are trying to ask me, because they are just getting boggled up with all of the other (for the lack of a better term) "filler" posts.
Could someonepleasemake a post with the questions they would like me to answer, and I would be glad to comply.
Wut the actual Fuck?In post 496, ferretlover wrote:I don't really have any scumreads for now, so I will make a vote in my next post for the person with the post longest ago.
See now, this is why I called that earlier thing bullshanks (refer to {1}), because he has yet to vote anyone else and voted her on the policy of...pretty much nothing by his own admission?.. and then he is being submissive towards her.In post 566, ferretlover wrote:@Ravenpaw what have I ignored? Just quote/say it again and I'll probably be happy to answer.
And then he votes Goat. It's been a while here, but pressure is off him and goat is getting traction so this is a vote "for being drunk". That is four throwaways in a row, not somethng I feel happens from townies, especially not ones who seem so involved in the game. Why is this person not casing or advocating anyone? Why does he not have reads? Why is he playing an erratic game? To avoid looking too false. That is literally the only reason that I can come up with that makes any sense, because for someone who "can't reply to the big pile of questions/casing/etc" made against him he is remarkably active.. and unfocused.In post 708, ferretlover wrote:Hello, I'm back. I have seen this stuff and have felt that the Krab wagon is unneeded. Goat, however, has been much worse. If you're drunk, then don't play werewolf.
Defending? Before you voted him for being drunk, then you said he appeared genuinely drunk (forgot to quote guys, sorry), now you're defending him for drunkenness because the act of intoxication somehow makes someones statements less likely to reflect their alignment in your eyes? This is again contrary with various things ferret stated before regarding his views on playrs, playstyle, scumminess, and the like. It doesn't add up at all for a player who is not inexperienced.In post 903, ferretlover wrote:And Town will make scumslips too if they are drunk and not careful, so that degrades your point.
946 pages in this is said? are you shitting me? Such a goddamn throwaway for the shitty voting a play made up to this point. Indeed, past here we somewhat see his play tighten up. It looks like someone got snipped at. Maybe a day QT?In post 946, ferretlover wrote:Ido notthink that this is scumhunting, I was just trying to get a responsefrom them, and get more reactions, because apparently reactions are good for scumhunting.
I don't feel like there are any good lynches today, so should I just vote No Lynch?
boo.In post 1152, ferretlover wrote:So a 1-Shot Day-Vig I'm assuming? Dammit RoleCop gone. That sux man.
This is so semantic. And ironic.
How is this scummy but you were okay with it when you did it to not answer questions? Further, what is the fixation with hydras?In post 1234, ferretlover wrote:Ummm... RATEDR just TOLD us that he hasn't read the thread. Scummy? Yes. Sven's case? Yes. Let's lynch RATEDR. Noone else sees the scumminness of xMALCOMx...
Nonono. Confirmation bias or flail, this guy doesn't do well under pressure either way.In post 1254, ferretlover wrote:So vote for me then pressure another vote. What are you doing?
You just made my scumtell on you more massive.
Another push for goat while voting the other hydra that gave you a major scumread boner after you voted him and you decide to attempt and set up lynches? This post hurt my heart a bit, I almost felt bad for him.In post 1316, ferretlover wrote:Goat really bought a shovel and went to town there. Diggin' himself a hole. Should GOAT be the lynch today or should it be RATEDR or should it be MALCOM? So many lynch choices D:
HahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaIn post 1407, ferretlover wrote:You can't just "disregard" someone in a game like Mafia. You have to read everything and make logical, educated decisions. If you just "disregard" Nero because he suspects you then you will definitely be seen as scum.
He is in his list of townreads... Goat isn't, nor are over half the people he has voted. However, he hasn't voted some of his scum reads and is pushing on those he doesn't list in either. I leave you all to interpret and weigh that.In post 1491, ferretlover wrote:You're trying to be funny and it's just digging you into a hole. Krabs was a Town read, you are a scum read.
Town Reads:
Scum Reads:
This came out of nowhere so I included it.
You find someone that irks you and you urge them to talk less? A townsmember should want them to talk more to gain info from them. The only reason to shut someone up is if you don't want what they have to say to be heard.
In post 24, ferretlover wrote:Nero Cain (Post #8):
"I can live with loving pokemon and ferrets, he's out."
When did I say that I liked Pokemon? FOR READING MY MIND.
First and foremost, two votes on two strong town players this game. I would also like to note before I get into this that Ferret knows how to play mafia, and is not new to the game despite being new to site. This is important to note because he is making clearly basic mistakes and seems to be playing up his newness and experience simultaneously.In post 49, ferretlover wrote:It's not anti-town if they are scum
although they wouldn't be voting for themselves if they were scum, but it's WIFOM anyways.
Here we see something not overtly scummy. However, it is notable because this is a player setting themselves up as a median.In post 72, ferretlover wrote:I think that right now it is still all random votes and shenanigans. Can we all just stop overreacting to everything?
Random discusson about a breadcrumb and is arguing that early reveals are pro-town because of their effect on wigggle room? How did this slide?In post 146, ferretlover wrote:This is all a bunch of bullcrap.How was that fishing?
He was just asking about a possible breadcrumb, because scum will use that later if they can and want to. Removing that possibility druing their play makes their claim less believable. I actually think that that is pro-town.
This is basically all the response that was given and then that conversation died.In post 152, ferretlover wrote:I didn't even see any breadcrumb happening, but I don't see it as bad to point out a possible breadcrumb.
No. Read on and you all can see why. but first.. {1}In post 164, ferretlover wrote:oh lol
I just derped around and accidentally clicked RavenPaw's ISO button, and she has vote/unvote FOUR TIMES. I think that alone is enough of a reason to vote for her.
Simply put this post is terribad. If you can't take the time to read and respond to relevant things already in thread then why would you vie for time like this? The hope here is clearly to get a couple of questions that are manageable and let the rest fall away. And he is surprised to get a wagon from his bullshanks, which eventually dies to Goat and etc which he advocates but then goes nowhere with. That is quoted to for reference.In post 468, ferretlover wrote:So I get back from school, and I get a wagon on me. lolwut
What is being expected of me currently? There are so many posts when I get back from school that I get overwhelmed. I have no idea what questions people are trying to ask me, because they are just getting boggled up with all of the other (for the lack of a better term) "filler" posts.
Could someonepleasemake a post with the questions they would like me to answer, and I would be glad to comply.
Wut the actual Fuck?In post 496, ferretlover wrote:I don't really have any scumreads for now, so I will make a vote in my next post for the person with the post longest ago.
See now, this is why I called that earlier thing bullshanks (refer to {1}), because he has yet to vote anyone else and voted her on the policy of...pretty much nothing by his own admission?.. and then he is being submissive towards her.In post 566, ferretlover wrote:@Ravenpaw what have I ignored? Just quote/say it again and I'll probably be happy to answer.
And then he votes Goat. It's been a while here, but pressure is off him and goat is getting traction so this is a vote "for being drunk". That is four throwaways in a row, not somethng I feel happens from townies, especially not ones who seem so involved in the game. Why is this person not casing or advocating anyone? Why does he not have reads? Why is he playing an erratic game? To avoid looking too false. That is literally the only reason that I can come up with that makes any sense, because for someone who "can't reply to the big pile of questions/casing/etc" made against him he is remarkably active.. and unfocused.In post 708, ferretlover wrote:Hello, I'm back. I have seen this stuff and have felt that the Krab wagon is unneeded. Goat, however, has been much worse. If you're drunk, then don't play werewolf.
Defending? Before you voted him for being drunk, then you said he appeared genuinely drunk (forgot to quote guys, sorry), now you're defending him for drunkenness because the act of intoxication somehow makes someones statements less likely to reflect their alignment in your eyes? This is again contrary with various things ferret stated before regarding his views on playrs, playstyle, scumminess, and the like. It doesn't add up at all for a player who is not inexperienced.In post 903, ferretlover wrote:And Town will make scumslips too if they are drunk and not careful, so that degrades your point.
946 pages in this is said? are you shitting me? Such a goddamn throwaway for the shitty voting a play made up to this point. Indeed, past here we somewhat see his play tighten up. It looks like someone got snipped at. Maybe a day QT?In post 946, ferretlover wrote:Ido notthink that this is scumhunting, I was just trying to get a responsefrom them, and get more reactions, because apparently reactions are good for scumhunting.
I don't feel like there are any good lynches today, so should I just vote No Lynch?
boo.In post 1152, ferretlover wrote:So a 1-Shot Day-Vig I'm assuming? Dammit RoleCop gone. That sux man.
This is so semantic. And ironic.
How is this scummy but you were okay with it when you did it to not answer questions? Further, what is the fixation with hydras?In post 1234, ferretlover wrote:Ummm... RATEDR just TOLD us that he hasn't read the thread. Scummy? Yes. Sven's case? Yes. Let's lynch RATEDR. Noone else sees the scumminness of xMALCOMx...
Nonono. Confirmation bias or flail, this guy doesn't do well under pressure either way.In post 1254, ferretlover wrote:So vote for me then pressure another vote. What are you doing?
You just made my scumtell on you more massive.
Another push for goat while voting the other hydra that gave you a major scumread boner after you voted him and you decide to attempt and set up lynches? This post hurt my heart a bit, I almost felt bad for him.In post 1316, ferretlover wrote:Goat really bought a shovel and went to town there. Diggin' himself a hole. Should GOAT be the lynch today or should it be RATEDR or should it be MALCOM? So many lynch choices D:
HahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaIn post 1407, ferretlover wrote:You can't just "disregard" someone in a game like Mafia. You have to read everything and make logical, educated decisions. If you just "disregard" Nero because he suspects you then you will definitely be seen as scum.
He is in his list of townreads... Goat isn't, nor are over half the people he has voted. However, he hasn't voted some of his scum reads and is pushing on those he doesn't list in either. I leave you all to interpret and weigh that.In post 1491, ferretlover wrote:You're trying to be funny and it's just digging you into a hole. Krabs was a Town read, you are a scum read.
Town Reads:
Scum Reads:
This came out of nowhere so I included it.
You find someone that irks you and you urge them to talk less? A townsmember should want them to talk more to gain info from them. The only reason to shut someone up is if you don't want what they have to say to be heard.
Yep, it was all them. Those 7 other players had nothing to do with it.In post 1838, Desperado wrote:You completely ignored the fact that Malcolm + mutley unvoted less than an hour before Doctor put Mutley back on L-2. Their unvotes are directly responsible for the NL
For a guy that likes to complain about being misrepped you do fine with misrepping me. The only reason that I voted Malcolm is 'cause I'm frustrated as hell with you and the rest of this game in general. So, momentarily, I was like "fuck it, lets just lynch Malcolm to get you to shut up" So no, I never agreed with you.In post 1838, Desperado wrote:Weren't you just arguing that Malcolm is less scummy than all of those players? If Malcolm were to flip town, you wouldn't be looking at the other people who played a role in the NL anymore? Or what?
My point is that my original quote was that "I will be looking at these 8 players today" and you called that a chain lynching scheme, even though you agreed with me. This happened before the quote you just provided. Explain that please.
And yet, you keep telling me that he didn't force the actions of those other but you're still blaming him for the nl. They are one in the same.In post 1838, Desperado wrote:How could you possibly agree that his unvote was boneheaded but not find it scummy when, had he not done it, we would have had a successful lynch yesterday?
Town has no reason to hunt for a specific team. Why do/did you think Malcolm was SHIELD?despo wrote:Nero wrote:despo wrote: If Malcolm flips SHIELD scum like I expect he will, then Nero and Mutley are both excellent candidates for his partners.and Despo claims Heyman mafia
Right then.In post 1856, Nero Cain wrote:Yep, it was all them. Those 7 other players had nothing to do with it.In post 1838, Desperado wrote:You completely ignored the fact that Malcolm + mutley unvoted less than an hour before Doctor put Mutley back on L-2. Their unvotes are directly responsible for the NL
How can I misrep you if I'm asking you a question? I'm not representing anything, I'm asking you to clarify your thought process. Furthermore, I can't be misrepping you if you never actually gave a reason. But if you agree that what Malcolm did was boneheaded, and you can see that what he did directly led to the NL (and it is very scummy that you keep denying this...look at the time stamps man. If Malcolm doesn't unvote then neither does mutley and Doctor Demencha hammers mutley. You haven't even attempted to dispute this, you just keep shouting that Malcolm isn't totally to blame...even though he admitted that he did it on purpose!) then I don't understand how you didn't agree with my earlier conclusion.For a guy that likes to complain about being misrepped you do fine with misrepping me. The only reason that I voted Malcolm is 'cause I'm frustrated as hell with you and the rest of this game in general. So, momentarily, I was like "fuck it, lets just lynch Malcolm to get you to shut up" So no, I never agreed with you.In post 1838, Desperado wrote:Weren't you just arguing that Malcolm is less scummy than all of those players? If Malcolm were to flip town, you wouldn't be looking at the other people who played a role in the NL anymore? Or what?
My point is that my original quote was that "I will be looking at these 8 players today" and you called that a chain lynching scheme, even though you agreed with me. This happened before the quote you just provided. Explain that please.
No, they aren't. Refer to the above.And yet, you keep telling me that he didn't force the actions of those other but you're still blaming him for the nl. They are one in the sameIn post 1838, Desperado wrote:How could you possibly agree that his unvote was boneheaded but not find it scummy when, had he not done it, we would have had a successful lynch yesterday?
It was an educated guess that I officially recant.Town has no reason to hunt for a specific team. Why do/did you think Malcolm was SHIELD?despo wrote:Nero wrote:despo wrote: If Malcolm flips SHIELD scum like I expect he will, then Nero and Mutley are both excellent candidates for his partners.and Despo claims Heyman mafia
IIn post 1852, petapan wrote:maybe actually read all my posts you dingus i thought the way muttley claimed was townIn post 1845, Skullduggery wrote:Weird. First you thought Krab was Scum, then you did a complete 180 seemingly out of nowhere for no apparent reason. Then you'd rather vote for Goat at the end of the day even though you don't even have a read on him?
Explain yourself.
But would it not have looked suspicious that he changed his mind?In post 1862, Mac wrote:if he was going for towncred then he could have just voted you instead of being obtuse about who would get lynched.
This is what I said "Aww, shut up" sarcastically to.In post 1624, Mutleyddmc wrote:Only if you promise me your not scum?In post 1623, ferretlover wrote:Stop these fluff posts. It's not helping your case.
The VT claim doesn't seem legit because of how aggressively Mutley is being, and having intent to self-hammer, then going on and voting someone else to try and force a NL. A lot of people are defending him and it makes my scumdar go wild.In post 1058, Mutleyddmc wrote:Oh brilliant lol. Any reason why I am scummy. Sorry I haven't read through yet haven't quite got the time to read 40 pages so for tonight I can intermittently post answers etc! Should have probably let me replace squid and lynched krab!! Might have been best for the town. I suppose I should claim. I am VT