No lynch day1?

2 scumteams, each on different game phases.
24 players, each team is 3 or 4, small chance of uneeven teams. Nice.
Any confirmed town?
Who was the almost-lynch for day1?
Which Malcolm has since claimed to have done on purpose. So why are you voting me for blaming someone for causing the NL when...they deliberately caused the NL?In post 2102, Nero Cain wrote:Yes, these Dumbo's no lynched on d1.
In the end our day 1 bolied down to it being a goat vs. mutley match. Basically Malcolm unvoted Mut and then a bunch of other players followed him onto Goat.Today rolls around and Despo was blaming Malcom for the unvote.
And apparently I'm not even voting for Desp so I need to fix that.
Please tell me more about how we still have a NL if malcolm never unvotes. I've done more than enough to support my assertion that Malcolm is most to blame, while you've done nothing but scream NUH-UH!In post 2104, Nero Cain wrote:errr....that bolded unvote should be no lynch. ESQ, peta and Darthe were responsible for their own votes. Stop pretending like Malcolm was the biggest contributer 'cause he wasn't.
In post 1836, Desperado wrote:Essentially he's saying "yeah Malcolm is scummy but it wasn't totally his fault and what about all these other people that let it happen, where was the town motivation there?" as if I disagree with him and didn't already say that myself. He just doesn't like us specifically lynching Malcolm over esquire, peta, and others because our assertion that malcolm is most responsible for the NL is "a load of bull (citation needed)" when, in my opinion, Malcolm is CLEARLY the most at fault for the NL when you consider that the Doctor hydra voted Mutley back to L-2 a whopping 50 minutes after Malcolm unvoted, and a mere 30 minutes after Mutley followed suit. Malcolm never unvotes, Mutley never has a reason to get off his own wagon after campaigning for his lynch, Demencha hammers mutley and this conversation never happens.
I feel like I got linked to a game that he played where he flailed like this and was town. Let me see if I can find it.In post 2108, Mac wrote:chaps, what are your thoughts on Monkey? (directed at Nero and Desp)
meh, I think Monkey says silly things regardless of alignment.In post 2108, Mac wrote:chaps, what are your thoughts on Monkey? (directed at Nero and Desp)
Interesting. His reaction is one of the main reasons that my vote is still on him.In post 2113, Desperado wrote:God damnit.
@monkey: you are definitely flailing right now. Your "I didn't know, I was just speculating" retroactive rationalization is flail. Anyone paying even cursory attention to the thread and player deaths was already aware that SHIELD is responsible for the daykill. IMO there is no disputing that there's inconsistency between your first post-death post and your 2nd post-death post, I just don't think it's inherently scummy, andyour reaction to the subsequent pressure has you leaning town for me.