Because I'm
the god-damned Batman
Mastin. That's what you lacked before. Desperado, be glad. I'm trying to save your ass because given the choice between ferret-Darthe and Despo-Darthe, I'm choosing Despo-Darthe.

And between Darthe and you, might even go with you, 'cause while I can see Darthe as maybe scum, I've got a really strong gut feeling he's town. Whereas with you, you're dead null, and that is dangerous. Especially at this stage in the game. (Eventually, null is tantamount to "automatic scumread". It was one of the things which made me reinvigorate my scumread on BOTH Yates AND mykonian in Harry Potter. They had dropped out of my radar and stayed there for half the game, and when I realized it...BAM, they came back as scumreads.)
Seriously, guys. We can do it, but you need to believe in me. Fuck "the deadline is close" lynches on players. Seriously, screw them to hell. I'm 95% certain ferret is town, and my gut townread on Darthe is probably the strongest gut townread I've ever gotten on a player, so until I've got the chance to analyze it logically (which I cannot do in the limited timeframe, LEAST of all with people shouting "LYNCH DARTHE LYNCH DARTHE LYNCH DARTHE!"), he's a good 93-94% town to me, because goddammit, I'm trusting my gut on this one.
Gods. I feel like this town is full of adolescent children in need of micromanagement, who have had their parents leave on vacation and have had free reign to be disobedient to everything their parents normally enforce.
But not to worry. Uncle Mastin is here, to help keep you from destroying yourselves.