Fu, what call am I sheeping? The fact that I used something you did and his reaction in my case=sheeping?
You want to say I'm scum feel it? Go ahead. Don't care. I'll be over here trying to catch actual scum.
I find it insulting when he depicts the entirety of my play as posting a lot without actual content.
Tell me Feel It, because you seem to be a
on my meta, do I post like this as town or scum, and provide proof of it to back your claim up.
I haven't had content based on everyone else posting so little and essentially RVS, so it must be I'm sucm, the two must not correlate.
Here, I'll ISO so You get that content that you say I'm lacking
DDDP has done jack and yet I'm apparently worse than him
Dessew has posted a crapton and hasn't done much of anything other than debate with me and ask if someone read every post on page 2
Feel it, as much as he pisses me off is looking town thus far. He's asking questions and getting involved in stuff. Still hasn't had a lot of content pre-this debate.
Fu- he says I sheep'd him and I don't see any sheeping whatosever, misrepping to the max as well as quick to jump on the wagon outside of RVS makes him possible scum. I'd bet it more if Cynical wasn't on this wagon, as scum like to have 1 on 1 off every wagon, but I'll come back to that later.
Cynical hasn't done anything but according to Feel it neither have I so I can't say anything
mvm hasn't done anything and see above for the rest of this line
Smudger looks logical, nothing indicative of either alignment
Z7 is town just for calling out Feel it's bit about L-1 and the derphammers.
Happy, or is this just another low content post that doesn't appease you?