NY 165: A Large Normal (Game Over!)
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- Rift Adrift
Rift Adrift Mafia Scum
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Nacho please get you butt back into this thread and talk about your scumspects.
What are your thoughts about Cephrir's post catch-up posts?
Where do you stand on Bulba now?Syryana and fferyllt: doing nothing but tunneling while giving virtually no other reads worth anything. Also, puppies.
If it were that simple, if it were only that simple, we would never have called you in about it, Rydra Wong. -- Samuel R. Delany,Babel-17- Serene
Serene Mafia Scum
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Just iso the scum, his thoughts are already on record.In post 1625, Rift Adrift wrote:Nacho please get you butt back into this thread and talk about your scumspects.
What are your thoughts about Cephrir's post catch-up posts?
Where do you stand on Bulba now?
Or maybe you have some farsighted strategy to goad Calcifer into bus'ing his whole scumteam, I guess I ought to back off and let you work your magic.- Serene
Serene Mafia Scum
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Calcifer, Stevie, and Nero are the three names that pop as scummy for all of my heads. Letters guy also is scummy to at least 2 of us.
BULBA to some of us but personally my own scum read on him has softened. I find ank scummy because he flies under the radar and his reaction to our claim didn't seem town. Doctor Head agreed with me on that point.
Our mutual town reads are dram (obv), Rift, ProHawk, and Shadi. Shadi especially seems like the designated mislynch.
We find it suspicious that people wagoned dram for lack of content (usual for dram anyway) when Nero has posted even less content. Indicates to us a hypocrisy caused by the protection of his scum buddies.
I wasn't sold on the Calcifer read by the other heads, but his reaction to the wagon and appeals to "mr red" have been scummy.
Stevie was saved by at least two counter wagons so far. Notice how it fizzled in the face of the wagons on Shadi, dram, and my selves? Even now while calciferol wagon slowly builds, he escapes judgement. Scum obviously not wanting to bus yet.
Mark my words, AT LEAST one scum among those three. Another scum at least among the lurk mass, probably Letters or Ank.- Rift Adrift
Rift Adrift Mafia Scum
- Rift Adrift
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Mastin's posts are terrible.In post 1626, Serene wrote:
Just iso the scum, his thoughts are already on record.In post 1625, Rift Adrift wrote:Nacho please get you butt back into this thread and talk about your scumspects.
What are your thoughts about Cephrir's post catch-up posts?
Where do you stand on Bulba now?
Or maybe you have some farsighted strategy to goad Calcifer into bus'ing his whole scumteam, I guess I ought to back off and let you work your magic.
Nacho's, not so much. My read has slid from town to null, but I won't support a Calcifer lynch today, not with what they have laid down in the thread so far.Syryana and fferyllt: doing nothing but tunneling while giving virtually no other reads worth anything. Also, puppies.
If it were that simple, if it were only that simple, we would never have called you in about it, Rydra Wong. -- Samuel R. Delany,Babel-17- Zdenek
Zdenek Jack of All Trades
- Zdenek
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Are you reading?In post 1602, DOMO wrote:I'm more concerned about the others on this wagon, zdenek in particularI have secret plans and clever tricks.- The Enormous Crocodile.- Cephrir
Cephrir he/himGoodfellas / Best Social Game
- Cephrir
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Unfortunately this is probably trueSerene wrote:And for the record even if Nero were town, he will fuck everyone over if left alive in LYLO
Shadi as a player seems like a mislynchable player if town but that doesn't prevent him from actually being scum. If anything, I find it odd that he hasn't taken more heat for the post that drew my vote.In post 1627, Serene wrote:Calcifer, Stevie, and Nero are the three names that pop as scummy for all of my heads. Letters guy also is scummy to at least 2 of us.
BULBA to some of us but personally my own scum read on him has softened. I find ank scummy because he flies under the radar and his reaction to our claim didn't seem town. Doctor Head agreed with me on that point.
Our mutual town reads are dram (obv), Rift, ProHawk, and Shadi. Shadi especially seems like the designated mislynch.
We find it suspicious that people wagoned dram for lack of content (usual for dram anyway) when Nero has posted even less content. Indicates to us a hypocrisy caused by the protection of his scum buddies.
I wasn't sold on the Calcifer read by the other heads, but his reaction to the wagon and appeals to "mr red" have been scummy.
Stevie was saved by at least two counter wagons so far. Notice how it fizzled in the face of the wagons on Shadi, dram, and my selves? Even now while calciferol wagon slowly builds, he escapes judgement. Scum obviously not wanting to bus yet.
Mark my words, AT LEAST one scum among those three. Another scum at least among the lurk mass, probably Letters or Ank.
The point about the counterwagons to Stevie is actually good, but I'm townreading him anyway. =/. If Shadi flips town I'd be more inclined to buy into this. Agreed about Calcifer, those posts were bizarre even if they were based in reality."I would prefer not to." --Herman Melville,Bartleby the Scrivener- Zdenek
Zdenek Jack of All Trades
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- Nero
Nero Goon
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im sick of reading you post.In post 1617, Serene wrote:
I'm so sick of hearing who you all DON'T want to lynch.In post 1612, orcinus_theoriginal wrote:not cephrir or nero
You've got the game ass-backwards.
shut th efuck up.- Nero
Nero Goon
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and ftr im probably the best player here. just fucking vote stevie.In post 1620, Serene wrote:And for the record even if Nero were town, he will fuck everyone over if left alive in LYLO
Actually alot of you will fuck us over come LYLO so I guess there's solace in that. Just remember, if you're still alive come day 5 or so, your reads have been shit or your play has been shit.- Calcifer
Calcifer Mafia Scum
- Calcifer
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It's true, though, and you--being an experienced player--damn-well know it. Everyone's been there. I've seen it far too many times. "Oh, Mastin was wrong on his read on X, he must be wrong now on his read of Y." It's a weird hybrid of Burden of Proficiency and 7-for-7, in that it's basically a reverse-7-for-7. Is it fallacious logic? Heck yeah it is. Does it hold any logical validity? No, not really.In post 1606, Serene wrote:"No one will pay attention to you if you lynch me because of personal beef?" Scum, please.
...But is it something which is used all the same? Hell yes it is. Seriously, you can't go more than a few games andnotsee this happen.
Talk to me, here. Work with me, not against me.In post 1611, Serene wrote:Scum is Stubbs, TMT, Ceprir Calcifer, Nero, probably BFenix...
You have me on TMT and maybe BulbaFenix. But none of the others. Stubbs I admittedly have not read much of, but I've had no issue with Stubbs's posts that I've seen recently, and in fact have seen them as being town. Show me why Stubbs is scum.
You've done a fairly decent job of explaining why you have Nero as a scumread, but not a good enough job for me to actually see him as scum. I'm ambivalent on him. I can see him as scum, I can see him as town, but you haven't sold me on why he's scum. Give me more. I'm listening.
But most of all, explain to me Cephrir again. I mighta seen him as being bad with his catchup posts initially, but his responses since he got caught up have been just about as town as it gets. And when I re-skimmed his isos seeing his caught-up posts, I just couldn't see him as scum anymore. Least of all when Rift Adrift supported this town-Ceph stance. So, again, talk to me here.
Don't go "lolscum, why would I need to convince you?"
We. are. not. scum. So get your heads out of your collective asses and talk to the town-us for a minute. Yes, we're town. So yes, you do need to convince us.- Serene
Serene Mafia Scum
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Never fucking ever.In post 1632, Nero wrote:
im sick of reading you post.In post 1617, Serene wrote:
I'm so sick of hearing who you all DON'T want to lynch.In post 1612, orcinus_theoriginal wrote:not cephrir or nero
You've got the game ass-backwards.
shut th efuck up.- Rift Adrift
Rift Adrift Mafia Scum
- Rift Adrift
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I take back some of the bad things I said about you, mastin.In post 1634, Calcifer wrote:
It's true, though, and you--being an experienced player--damn-well know it. Everyone's been there. I've seen it far too many times. "Oh, Mastin was wrong on his read on X, he must be wrong now on his read of Y." It's a weird hybrid of Burden of Proficiency and 7-for-7, in that it's basically a reverse-7-for-7. Is it fallacious logic? Heck yeah it is. Does it hold any logical validity? No, not really.In post 1606, Serene wrote:"No one will pay attention to you if you lynch me because of personal beef?" Scum, please.
...But is it something which is used all the same? Hell yes it is. Seriously, you can't go more than a few games andnotsee this happen.
Talk to me, here. Work with me, not against me.In post 1611, Serene wrote:Scum is Stubbs, TMT, Ceprir Calcifer, Nero, probably BFenix...
You have me on TMT and maybe BulbaFenix. But none of the others. Stubbs I admittedly have not read much of, but I've had no issue with Stubbs's posts that I've seen recently, and in fact have seen them as being town. Show me why Stubbs is scum.
You've done a fairly decent job of explaining why you have Nero as a scumread, but not a good enough job for me to actually see him as scum. I'm ambivalent on him. I can see him as scum, I can see him as town, but you haven't sold me on why he's scum. Give me more. I'm listening.
But most of all, explain to me Cephrir again. I mighta seen him as being bad with his catchup posts initially, but his responses since he got caught up have been just about as town as it gets. And when I re-skimmed his isos seeing his caught-up posts, I just couldn't see him as scum anymore. Least of all when Rift Adrift supported this town-Ceph stance. So, again, talk to me here.
Don't go "lolscum, why would I need to convince you?"
We. are. not. scum. So get your heads out of your collective asses and talk to the town-us for a minute. Yes, we're town. So yes, you do need to convince us.Syryana and fferyllt: doing nothing but tunneling while giving virtually no other reads worth anything. Also, puppies.
If it were that simple, if it were only that simple, we would never have called you in about it, Rydra Wong. -- Samuel R. Delany,Babel-17- Rift Adrift
Rift Adrift Mafia Scum
- Rift Adrift
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So, after our conclave, I'm reversing course again on bulbafenix. Syr tells me that not flipping a shit over a healthy lookig bandwagon is a null tell with the bulba half of the hydra.
We'd also be willing to compromise on TMT or Goat, but this is what we want to happen.
VOTE: bulbafenixSyryana and fferyllt: doing nothing but tunneling while giving virtually no other reads worth anything. Also, puppies.
If it were that simple, if it were only that simple, we would never have called you in about it, Rydra Wong. -- Samuel R. Delany,Babel-17- Serene
Serene Mafia Scum
- Serene
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Sounds like you're trying to regain control of the game by playing with my balls.In post 1634, Calcifer wrote:
It's true, though, and you--being an experienced player--damn-well know it. Everyone's been there. I've seen it far too many times. "Oh, Mastin was wrong on his read on X, he must be wrong now on his read of Y." It's a weird hybrid of Burden of Proficiency and 7-for-7, in that it's basically a reverse-7-for-7. Is it fallacious logic? Heck yeah it is. Does it hold any logical validity? No, not really.In post 1606, Serene wrote:"No one will pay attention to you if you lynch me because of personal beef?" Scum, please.
...But is it something which is used all the same? Hell yes it is. Seriously, you can't go more than a few games andnotsee this happen.
Talk to me, here. Work with me, not against me.In post 1611, Serene wrote:Scum is Stubbs, TMT, Ceprir Calcifer, Nero, probably BFenix...
You have me on TMT and maybe BulbaFenix. But none of the others. Stubbs I admittedly have not read much of, but I've had no issue with Stubbs's posts that I've seen recently, and in fact have seen them as being town. Show me why Stubbs is scum.
You've done a fairly decent job of explaining why you have Nero as a scumread, but not a good enough job for me to actually see him as scum. I'm ambivalent on him. I can see him as scum, I can see him as town, but you haven't sold me on why he's scum. Give me more. I'm listening.
But most of all, explain to me Cephrir again. I mighta seen him as being bad with his catchup posts initially, but his responses since he got caught up have been just about as town as it gets. And when I re-skimmed his isos seeing his caught-up posts, I just couldn't see him as scum anymore. Least of all when Rift Adrift supported this town-Ceph stance. So, again, talk to me here.
Don't go "lolscum, why would I need to convince you?"
We. are. not. scum. So get your heads out of your collective asses and talk to the town-us for a minute. Yes, we're town. So yes, you do need to convince us.
My beach balls.
I already told you I don't negotiate with scum.
Nice of you to confirm that Nero is your buddy. You're a class act. The town thanks you.- Shadi1337
Shadi1337 Goon
- Shadi1337
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go to sleep..In post 1608, Serene wrote:YES YES
You're scummy as town, we get it
The horse is dead, kindly stop beating him Shadi- Zdenek
Zdenek Jack of All Trades
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WK_zuizyWwUIn post 1638, Serene wrote:My beach balls.I have secret plans and clever tricks.- The Enormous Crocodile.- Calcifer
Calcifer Mafia Scum
- Calcifer
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Look, I get it. You're fond of tunneling. You've got a scumread. You don't want to admit that scumread is wrong. You want to be right,In post 1638, Serene wrote:I already told you I don't negotiate with scum.sobadly, and you don't want to be talked out of it. You've got arrogance. And you've got pride. And you don't like to talk with scum. But I'll be blunt:
You are not a scumhunting god. I don't care if your hydra had some legendary scumhunter like Glork, or was made up entirely of the elite of the elite in Mafiascum.net's history. Your reads are not perfect. We. are. town. And the only people benefiting from your ego-trip is the scum. I'm playing nice, here. Don't make me rage against you. I didn't even have a strong commitment to this game, and now I'm apparently the primary player in this hydra despite how when I signed up for this game I explicitly said that I wanted to use Nacho as my crutch.
And I'll be damned if I'm going to let some fucking moronic stubbornness get in the way of you helping the town. You being a mason doesn't mean jacksquat if you aren't willing to be rational and reasonable. Hell, Vifam made a better mason than whatyouare doing, because while his reads were utter crap, at least he played ball.
My request is not unreasonable, and you damn-well know it. Work with me. Talk to me. We are not your enemy. So stop being idiots and antagonizing me when we need to work together. So again. Walk me through your reads. It's not too hard to do.- TheIrishPope
TheIrishPope Jack of All Trades
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Cal, would you be up to a Cephrir lynch?- Rift Adrift
Rift Adrift Mafia Scum
- Rift Adrift
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Or walk me through your reads. I am not agreeing to much with some of them either.Syryana and fferyllt: doing nothing but tunneling while giving virtually no other reads worth anything. Also, puppies.
If it were that simple, if it were only that simple, we would never have called you in about it, Rydra Wong. -- Samuel R. Delany,Babel-17- Calcifer
Calcifer Mafia Scum
- Calcifer
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In post 1642, TheIrishPope wrote:Cal, would you be up to a Cephrir lynch?Hellno.
Did you miss my post where I laid out why I see Cephrir as town?Seriously, Cephrir's town. Probably one of the worst lynch candidates on the table.
- TheIrishPope
TheIrishPope Jack of All Trades
- TheIrishPope
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Well, if Cal says so
UNVOTE: Cephrir- Zdenek
Zdenek Jack of All Trades
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- Calcifer
Calcifer Mafia Scum
- Calcifer
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Because they're still technically a scumread, combined with the fact that--while I may currently be the dominant head--I still hold some trust in Nacho, and last I knew, Nacho had BulbaFenix as scum.In post 1646, Zdenek wrote:Calcifer, why are you voting BulbaFenix? - Calcifer
- Zdenek
- TheIrishPope
- Calcifer
- Rift Adrift
- TheIrishPope
- Calcifer
- Zdenek
- Shadi1337
- Serene
- Rift Adrift
- Rift Adrift
- Serene
- Calcifer
- Nero
- Nero
- Zdenek
- Cephrir
- Zdenek
- Rift Adrift
- Serene
- Serene
- Rift Adrift