"Houseguests, the votes are in," she announces. "Whoever is evicted has just a few moments to say their goodbyes and retrieve their belongings before exiting the Big Brother mansion.
"By a total of 5 to 4...IceGuy, you have been evicted from the Big Brother mansion."
IceGuy only lets out a sight as he gathers his stuff and says goodbye. When he moves out the door, a blue ice trinket drops from a bag to shatter on the floor for the rest of the guests to ogle in surprise. iceGuy doesn't react as he exits.
Turning to the camera as the houseguests mill about to think on these developments, Julie says. "The house has put their trust in Imperium again, and it seems that his choices were profitable once again. Will it be worth it to elect him HoH three times in a row, or is it time for a new leader to rise? Stay tuned."
With a ready smile, the studio audience claps as the camera fades to a commercial.