Players Alive: 13
Votes to Lynch: 7
Format of:
Wagon (size): Voters on wagon
Rail Tracer (1): Daniel Bryan (L-6)
Dessew (1): Notscience (L-6)
Natirasha (1): Humble Poirot (L-6)
Mario and the Diamonds (1): Mogamma (L-6)
notscience (1): artemiskitty, (L-6)
Not voting: Mario and the Diamonds
Deadline for Night One falls on: 9/24/13 which is (expired on 2013-09-24 22:30:00)
~HP is being force-replaced per listmod order.
~Mogamma will be replaced unless he picks up his prod in the next hour or so.
~I will extend the night deadline to find replacements if need be, you'll be notified here.