Nymphomaniac Nurse (
Naive Non-Com Neighbor (naive cop) - bbmolla
Nutty Non-Com Neighbor (paranoid cop neighbor) - RC
Nanny (the babysitter) - SP
Non-Necessary Negligent-er (conditional action delayer) - majiffy
Non-existent Narrator (tree stump) - ooba
Nauseating Numerically-blessed Nominator (hated double-voter) - varsoon
Narcoleptic Nightkiller (
Nothing Notable - dante, RT
i thought we had more claimed VTs but it's apparently only dante and i.
italicised peacebringer's bracket claim because i don't remember him actually claiming it
without looking at any of them closer, i'd say there's a fairly decent chance of scum being in the players that don't have a bracket claim. maybe. i dunno how likely it is that the mod would just neglect to give them bracket claims when even the VTs got them.