I didn't say Empire's town because he likes to bus. That's only part of my reasoning. Most of it is based on his interaction with me day one. My point about bussing is merely to counter your point about him not being on a quadz/spyrex lynch.In post 4748, Messiah Complex wrote:The scum have only had two successful kills in six nights. Are you really suggesting that Empire is town because he didn't bus Quadz when the scum had just lost what everyone agrees is a really strong member and they were 1/3 on night kills? Just because he loves to do it so much?In post 4741, Tammy wrote:I really see your point here, but Empire loves bussing. Like I would expect if there was a weak member of his team, he would have bussed him like crazy. That wouldn't apply to Spyrex, but it would apply to quadz. If he's on a team of strong players, and he's the weak one, he'd want to be the bussed one. So, I'd be really surprised if he was Chaos.In post 4659, Messiah Complex wrote:How about them completely avoiding Quadz too? After being present on virtually every major town wagon D1 and D2 (ooba, Thor, SafetyDance, Amrun), Borden was nowhere to be found on either of the two flipped scum.In post 4654, ooba wrote:The only thing I didnt like about their play was not voting SpyreX.
And again, this analysis ignores marble's potential impact on Empire's game and it's seriously starting to bother me. What does he like to do as scum?
Marble needs to show up; I'm not going to debate you there.
Then why did you bring up Wingate in relation to Empire? You can't bring up something and then when something uses that exact game to counter your point, go it doesn't stand.mc wrote:
The hydra is comprised of more than just Empire and there was way too much going on on day four to justify not voting even once. I don't think the context there and in Wingate are really comparable.In post 4743, Tammy wrote:Oh, I forgot to address this. Why do you bring this up and also bring up Wingate? Empire has a habit of going full days without voting; he's very similar to me in that regard. I'm pretty sure if you go back to Wingate you'll see him not voting for entire days.In post 4659, Messiah Complex wrote:
D4 is more of the same.Borden didn't vote the entire fucking day four. Not once. How is that even possible?!?!
- Des
- Des
Marble's barely been posting. He definitely needs to, but Empire has been the driving force behind that hydra for the majority of the game, and therefore, Empire's playstyle absolutely plays a part in this discussion.