LUKE: Some town this is. I bet they don't even have a decent place to sleep.
TEAR: Do you do anything besides complain?
LUKE: All I want is a decent bed and decent food! What's wrong with that?! I
never even had to think about things like this back at the manor.
TEAR: With Rotelro Bridge out, we won't be getting back to Baticul anytime
soon. You may not be able to find your kind of meal for a while.
LUKE: *Sigh* Never thought I'd be homesick for the food back at the manor...
TEAR: Look, nobody's forcing you to stay at the inn here. If you'd prefer, we
can leave right away and sleep on the ground after nightfall.
LUKE: O-on the ground? No way. Anything's better than that. No more
complaints from me...
TEAR: Oh? Well, then let's go.
LUKE: *Sigh* I want to go home...
With 13 players alive, it takes 7 votes to lynch or no lynch.
TheFuzzyLogic99 (1): Ms Marangal (L-6)
ProHawk (6): Nachomamma8, Tammy, orcinus_theoriginal, Minami no Hana, Kazekirimaru, The Rufflig (L-1)
Tammy (1): ProHawk (L-6)
Not Voting (5): Deacon Blues, TheFuzzyLogic, MafiaSSK, Pitoli, Mac
Time Pool Left: 400 Hours Absolute deadline falls on Wednesday, December 18th, at 4PM GMT -7.
This is in (expired on 2013-12-18 16:00:00)