In post 25892, JasonWazza wrote: In post 25878, PJ. wrote:I've come to the conclusion that this game is far more fun when you are playing it at low levels of skill/understanding. Every game is a dragrace. CoD Team Deathmatch style gameplay isn't what this game is about but it's infinitely more fun to play that way and be on the lower end of the bellcurve then to play on the higher end of it.
I'm level 14 and i'm just getting annoyed at my teams half the time.
Like because i called adc and ended up having to run my Varus in middle because people are stupid.
There is no meta in games under level 20 or 25 with first timer accounts. ADC, Mid, Top, none of that actually means anything. Back when I was starting(end of season 1) I'd be lucky if I ever saw a jungler(i never did). My level 10-30 strat was literally to take singed and try to kill the other guy reguardless of what lane I was in.
JasonWazza wrote:You realize Varus's biggest weakness is melee right? and that mid is almost always run by a melee?
That entire match i was on the back foot.
But the problem comes about when during that match the bottom just kept on dying, lost a tower in the first 10 or so minutes and had to have our jungler focusing on them most of the time, when he was a lot more needed at top and mid.
His biggest problem isn't melee. It's gapclosers. You can play any ADC mid(there are a lot of AP carries without an escape you know) without a problem typically. Being ranged is literally the biggest advantage in the game. You can hit someone when someone can't hit you, it's OP. The key in a lane with a gapcloser in it is to not be out of position.
Also if bot was being crushed while top and mid were also losing, the jungler can't really help. You can't help 3 losing lanes, it's impossible.
Oh and Mid is run by a myriad of champions. Some of which are ranged and some of which are melee. It's probably close to 50/50. Kass, Akali, Fizz, Pantheon, Gragas, Diana, Talon, Ziggs, Lux, Oriana, Malzahario, Swain, Annie, Nidalee would be a quick example of the diversity of mid lane. Some of those are casters, some are bruisers, some are melee, some are ranged, some have gapclosers, some do not.
JasonWazza wrote:Actually it's completely true from all my experiences.
Varus's biggest weakness (and this is true of a decent number of ranged champions) is no ability in which he can move quickly out of (or alternatively into) combat, meaning he needs flash, which is on a 270 second cooldown.
Add to this fact that i was playing him in middle, i have no one to assist me when i do get jumped on.
Level 6 he gets his ultimate which does increase his survivability when he gets jumped on (you can make the enemy champ stand still) but again this is also hampered by a decent sized cooldown.
In a 1v1 situation, against a melee where the melee has the chance to jump on varus and he can't run he is pretty much done for (An adc is not meant to be in the middle of combat, and even tanked up Varus is squishy).
If i was running bottom Varus's weakness doesn't come out nearly as much, as i have someone to assist me if i'm jumped on.
Granted i was facing Master Yi in the middle and did my best to keep him out of arms reach, he got the jump on me several times (though i think only twice when i couldn't escape thank fuck).
Varus is just not a hero that is made for mid.
(as for almost always run by a melee this is still talking lower levels and i don't recall ever seeing a range in the mid.)
Again, Varus weakness is guys who can gapclose on him when he is out of position(or burst him for all his hp) Brand kills Varus just as well as Yi. Brand is not melee. Gapclosers and Burst generally are bad for ADCs. Range is irrelevent. I'm having an impossible time trying to find a melee without a gapcloser, though.
If you want i can make a level 14 rune page and mastery page and show you how to play varus against Yi in a custom game. Just add me: AudioTsunami
Sometimes a sandwich is just a sandwich.