Vote Count 6.4
With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.
Nero Cain (2): 1baldeagle1, BBmolla
Harakiri (1): ProHawk
Not Voting (9): VoidedMafia, Nero Cain, Lost Butterfly, Garuda, Ghostly Penguin, Harakiri, uʍop ǝpısdn, zMuffinMan, Lord Mhork
Deadline for Day 6 is Sunday, December 22nd, at 5:00pm EST (site time).
Countdown to deadline:
(expired on 2013-12-22 17:00:00)
Deadline for Day 6 is Monday, December 23rd, at 5:00am EST (site time).
Countdown to deadline:
(expired on 2013-12-23 05:00:00)
Deadline extended for 12 hours because of site downtime.
Quilford is posting in place of uʍop ǝpısdn until access issues for the hydra get resolved.