In post 28190, Iecerint wrote:Support
Talisman of Ascension/Frost Queen's Claim
Mercury's Treads/Sorcerer's Shoes/Ionian (depends on above and whether you want to blow things up)
Athene's Unholy Grail
Ruby Sightstone
Rabadon's Deathcap
Lichbane/Mikael's Crucible
Chalice is a good early build but you don't want both Athene's & Mikael's Crucible.
Oh, right, because they both have the same passive.
I never actually take Mikael's irl anyway; that's just the other item I see people talk about sometimes, ala Frost Queen's Claim. ^^
I'll change its position to make this simpler. Gotcha on Aegis.
EBWOP: I assume the other is Banshee's Veil; shame for abbreviations.
Which is an item I wouldnt say is core for ANY role, but is very situationally amazing against enemy teams that have a lot of poke (nidalee, mundo) and initiate (ashe, thresh, blitz)
In post 28185, MrZepher wrote:Attack speed item second item 100% of the time unless you're sivir (who can go LW second item because ricochet is a broken ability),
or you're going a bulldozer build like BT > IE.
Vayne scales better with PD than shiv, regardless of shiv's bonus damage.
BortK is an AS item
LW second is standard right now because randuin's is fucking broken to shit.
In post 28185, MrZepher wrote:Attack speed item second item 100% of the time unless you're sivir (who can go LW second item because ricochet is a broken ability),
or you're going a bulldozer build like BT > IE.
Vayne scales better with PD than shiv, regardless of shiv's bonus damage.
Not always. Dueling Vayne is BotRK>PD(or Zephyr)>Kick everyone's ass if your mechanics are godlike
Vayne scales so well with attack speed, and doesn't get any special crit scaling.
This is correct. Vayne is one of the few adc's that can effectively build BOTRK as a first item. But LW isn't needed second.
Really? I feel like teams that have a lot of poke can pop the passive so easily that it's sort of worthless
If it gets popped, it wasn't worthless BV is good for blocking specific spells that you really don't want to get hit by. Something like Nidalee spear is a great example of that - if you can avoid getting hit by more than once every 25(?) seconds, she can't hurt you with poke.
Pretty good as a whole. Like I said before, some ADC builds are totally different than most (ex. Ezreal). I forget who said this, but rush a second DBlade or Vamp Sector if you're behind. Hell, consider getting it if you're ahead.
Spoiler: Jungle AD
Hunter's Machete -> Spirit of the Ancient Golem
Wit's End
Ninja Tabi
Spirit Visage
Iceborn Gauntlet
Pretty good WW build, but as a whole, pretty bad for most other junglers - the reason this is good for WW is because his ult procs all on hit effects, so Wit's End and Iceborn work perfectly here. Otherwise, replace (at least) both of those with other items, and you may want to change your spirit item as well depending on your jungler. Also, you can get away with mobility boots if you're ahead and gotta go fast.
Spoiler: Mage
Rod of Ages
Archangel's Staff
Sorceror's Shoes
Rabadon's Deathcap
Void Staff
Zhonya's Hourglass
Once again, consider a second DRing if you're behind (or even ahead and you have a moment). This looks like a solid mage build, but I don't play enough mage to say so sure. I might consider swapping the order around a bit, and here's why - Void Staff is a great early game purchase, as it's rather cheap and most opponents wouldn't have stacked MR yet. With the VS passive, you'll be doing a lot of mid game damage.
Spoiler: Support
Talisman of Ascension/Frost Queen's Claim
Mercury's Treads/Sorcerer's Shoes/Ionian (depends on above and whether you want to blow things up)
Athene's Unholy Grail
Ruby Sightstone
Rabadon's Deathcap
Lichbane/Mikael's Crucible
Ditch the FQC, it's stats are pretty garbage. Start either coin or shield, but you want to ditch the shield for the coin eventually. Not starting shield and going straight coin will give you a nice gold advantage if you can not die. Seconding the sightstone and lack of ruby, you'll save 600 gold on the upgrade (if your game is going THAT LONG, feel free to upgrade). Most supports have crap AP ratios, so building RD might be a bit of a waste considering its cost and passive (but I tend to not play squishy supports, I play a lot of Taric).
"Animorpherv1's posts are so powerful that prolonged exposure may cause vertigo, nausea, acute tinnitus, and in rare cases, death." - vonflare
I've still been getting it on Zil, but I need to figure out my build on him agains since my old roA -> Dcap -> FH -> GA build is prolly not so great any more
I thought his bombs used to do damage during the countdown, but apparently not? Or they changed that? If they do, Id probably rush liandrys.
The right answer is probably just Athenes and just start bottle or something.
Chalice allows you to have more mana over a long period of time. RoA/tear allow you to have a lot of mana over a short period of time (good on champions that burn through their mana pools really fast like Anivia, Swain, Karthus). Tear is the more damage-heavy option. RoA is the "I would like to survive a little longer" option.
run out of mana with AA after several spear tosses, and it always upgrades when I'm playing with Nidalee. This gives me even more AP (more than Athene's) and Mana, so I'm always well stocked in case on the random ambush.
3) When I'm playing Nidalee, my early game is always passive at tower until 6, so I can stay back a bit and chuck spears, no need for the extra MR unless I'm playing vs. Heimerdinger or something.
"Animorpherv1's posts are so powerful that prolonged exposure may cause vertigo, nausea, acute tinnitus, and in rare cases, death." - vonflare
I agree with this. In lane, Chalice will do more than Tear, especially against an AP mid. Plus, Athene's is better on Nid going into the mid game (where nid shines most IMO). 12% returned mana on kill, 20% CDR, 90 AP and better mana regen for a significantly lower price. By the time midgame hits, you can have Blue Buff Athene's Spell Pen boots and be chucking spears for days at like, 4 second intervals.
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Soar on wings of retribution and set the world ablaze
Going Athenes reduces the effectiveness of each spear.
You go AP Nid for the objective siege with spears.
Nidalee's shining light in the game IS NOT laning phase. Stop.
I would rather go Tear since Nidalee charges it really fast anyways, and gives you a larger opportunity to jump into fights.
Plus if you don't fucking suck at landing spears then having a larger AP stat to back them is going to do more for you in literally every situation.
If you suck at landing Nid Q's then play a different champion because you're already worthless to your team.
The people who build chalice on nidalee are the same people that build chalice on leblanc.
It's a good item, it's not that good on everyone.
Stop paying for stats you don't need and learn how to play your champions better.
Idk this Diamond 1 dude has a 67% winrate with nid and builds Chalice on her.
It can't be that bad of a choice. Not that tear is bad on her, but I think it may just be a preference thing, or maybe situational.
Also why are the top players for nidalee almost all EUW?
Last edited by Brandi on Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.