Ahahaahahahah you're such a phony ! You lose, you failed, yet still you try to keep your petty little 'I am an awesome Mafia Goddess and You are a Horrible Cis Gender man that Sucks at Mafia Even Though You Won' up high.In post 2434, Tierce wrote:Oh,dahling.
Good job, Town. You could have done better if some people didn't insist on being big distractions, but the power roles did good work. SpyreX, CES, Elscouta--would very much play with again.
ABR, somehow I was "obvscum" who was only lynched due to a guilty on me (and almost got the real PR lynched), while you are the one fakeclaiming pointlessly. Do check your own play before coming in with confirmation bias at the end of the game, please.
Hahahaha it would be hilarious to play with you again, except you suck the fun out of games.
Tierce, you brought joy and fun to me watching you flail this game <3
This. Also Esp definitely deserved it.pere wrote:We only mislynched Aegor and Espeonage, the rest we were spot on. Not sure how we could have done much better as a town.
Esp, don't ever ever ever pull that stupid claim in RVS thing again.
:goodposting:abr wrote:Yes, very self-aggrandizing, I like it.
Lol ITT Tierce criticizes everyone and anyone who acts in a way that she doesn't expect.
Tierce and Desperado are like Pinky and the Brain, plotting plausible ways of taking over the town and failing miserably and hilariously hahaha
Haha noThat was just a bad nightkill, really. Sirdan came pretty close to getting lynched.
If town were so stupid to lynch me then I would have actually wanted town to lose. Luckily despite all the stupidity the town was better than the scum which included Tierce which says a lot