Spoiler me!
Player Name Game World/Age Night/Day Role
Kagura Abyss Child Odd Commuter/Even Roleblock
The Fox and the Hound Symphonia Beast Rolecop
The Fox and the Hound Symphonia Beast Rolecop
Yggdra Union Abyss Adult RB->Doc->Evil Ward->Motivate->cop->publicrole->dayvig
orcinus_theoriginal Vesperia Adult Child Jailkeeper/Day 1 govorn
Titan Xillia Adult Bonded Strongarmer (hidden restless spirit)
Rancid Bro Dr Symphonia Beast Agecop Gladiator
MastinSSK Innocence Child Bulletproof Voteless
Stalin Rebirth Child Amnesiac Follower-Follower
AP Hearts Adult Godfather Ninja-Jailkeep (3 of each)
Carbon Fiber Abyss Adult Day Neighborizer/Miller/1shot dead question grabber
Lord Business Hearts Beast 2-shot RB Beyond the Grave Reviver
Just Sheep US Abyss Adult Tracker (Even Night)
Red Gyarados Hearts Adult 1shot Role Copy
Cupcake Destiny Child Delayer
PeregrineV Vesperia Adult 1-shot Janitored Vig
Clyton Xillia Adult Watch/BP/bombmaker/strongman
Mac Innocence Adult Rolestopping Bodyguard
Night Results:
Night One
Rancid Dies (Delayed Flip)
Mac Dies
Orc's role fails (not a child)
Foxhound gets "Evolving JOAT"
Stalin gets "AP went nowhere"
CF gets "AP went nowhere"
Clyton gets "Nobody visited Titan"
Night Two Results:
Stalin's role fails (Jailkept)
Yggdra Union Dies
Magenta's role works (is a child AND adult)
Just Sheep Us gets "AP visited Stalin"
Titan gets "You were given an article of clothing to wear and put it on"
Gyarados's role fails (jailkept)
Penguin gets "Nobody visited Titan"
Foxhound gets "Artist"
Night Three Results:
Stalin's role fails (Jailkept)
Nobody Dies (Target Jail'd)
Magenta's role works (child)
PV is jailkept
AP's ninjakill fails
RG fails (no action night 3)