In post 31076, Bella wrote:Champion tiers are generally meaningless - outside of high level play, playing a champion that you are comfortable playing and know how to play is always better than picking something that's theoretically stronger but you don't have a fucking clue how to play.
Honestly, I disagree with this to an extent, especially if a strong champion is also fairly medium-easy to pick up. Yes, a lot of people will tell you to stick to "your comfort picks", but at the end of the day, some champions are indeed stronger. If you have the macro skills, you don't necessarily need the best micro skills with a particular champion to win games.
People honestly need to remember that you don't even need to be GOOD at a champion to gain elo, you need to be good at macro skills. All you need to do is play champions with a) a strong aoe and b) the ability to create high pressure early game. Now b is very easy to fill if you're playing a jungler (and mid lane to a lesser extent). For example, I was able to win games with wukong jungle a few months back before his nerfs not particularly because I was comfortable with him at all. In fact I basically had just picked him up for the first time. BUT, he was an extremely strong champion at that time, combine that with the fact that he had nice ganks, and had an awesome team fight aoe, and you have a recipe to winning without really having to be good at the CHAMPION, more good with macro skills.
Right now, I'm something like 45-14 with soraka mid and was able to carry from s1 to g3. You have to understand theoretically how she works, not necessarily her micro skills. For example, she has a strong sustaining lane that is able to push another champion into tower. This does a few things. It a) denies them farm b) denies them the ability to roam and c) they can skill take huge harass under tower. Now, what is the obvious thing to point out? You are very susceptible to ganks. But if you have the macro skills, you can honestly turn that to a point if your favor. First, you have to understand the 2v2 matchups with junglers/mid laners. If you and your jungler would win a 2v2, you simply just tell your jungler to be near mid lane around 3:00 to counter gank, because you KNOW you're getting ganked because you're pushed to the enemy tower. If you know you and your jungler can't win a 2v2, then you just ward, and tell the jungler to go put pressure on the rest of the map while their jungler camps you, and all you have to do is be able to ward well, and pay attention to how their midlaner is reacting. For example I played a lissandra yesterday who would always E when her jungler was about to gank. All I would then do is just silence her so she can't ult or slow me, then just walk back... Now, soraka also has a very strong team fight. If you're going 9/21/0 with her, and building tanky APish items because she doesn't scale well with ap, then you're basically fulfilling 3 roles during team fights. Your acting like a tank that's soaking up damage, you're dishing out damage with Q, and you're acting like a support who can heal a crapload and silence priority targets.
vezokpiraka: If you are playing on EUNE we can duo.
chesskid3: I play on NA because i enjoy my freedom.