↑PJ. wrote:It's funny cause i'd listen to just about anyone in this thread beside you if they wanted a solid understanding of the game. I would classify you as a consistent shit poster.
Right back at you.
"support is the easiest role to play" my ass
LoL - Atlantica / Viera Assassin (NA)
FFXIV - Seiina Araki of
1) Play lucian
2) Pick smite and ignite as summoners
3) Build DFG, Ohmwrecker, Last whisper, Hex Core, Thornmail and orb of winter (in this order)
4) Kill them all
1) Play lucian
2) Pick smite and ignite as summoners
3) Build DFG, Ohmwrecker, Last whisper, Hex Core, Thornmail and orb of winter (in this order)
4) Kill them all
^ clues given by a rioter about the new Ultimate skin champ
Khazix has six letters / K6 nickname
S = September (release date)
Hide = Kha's ult goes invis
Assassin = kha's role (shows up as asssassin in client)
J = Jungler or Jump
↑PJ. wrote:It's funny cause i'd listen to just about anyone in this thread beside you if they wanted a solid understanding of the game. I would classify you as a consistent shit poster.
Right back at you.
"support is the easiest role to play" my ass
Oh I see, you're just salty cause you can't play a real role.
↑PJ. wrote:It's funny cause i'd listen to just about anyone in this thread beside you if they wanted a solid understanding of the game. I would classify you as a consistent shit poster.
Right back at you.
"support is the easiest role to play" my ass
Oh I see, you're just salty cause you can't play a real role.
Saki plays a lot of Quinn top from what I remember.
which is a niche/cheese pick that doesn't actually require any skill at all. It's like a better teemo. Ward up and pick it against a melee, you should never lose.
The main factor that differentiates poor players from good players has nothing to do with champions, anyway; it's taking objectives. Complaining that someone plays champion X or position Y is super juvenile.
He's a support main so rank is pretty much irrelevant
I can pass him whenever I want, I choose to duo with low silver people instead because I'm trying to help them raise up. Plat doesn't mean anything to be honest. You don't get an extra skin, and you're not actually good, cause if you were you'd be diamond.
↑Iecerint wrote:The main factor that differentiates poor players from good players has nothing to do with champions, anyway; it's taking objectives. Complaining that someone plays champion X or position Y is super juvenile.
Supports only have 2 destinations, bronze or diamond.
He's apparently a "support main" who has played support exactly once in ranked in the past month. Not to mention that your suggestion that support skill doesn't scale with MMR is transparently bogus, anyway.
I don't doubt that you could both be higher if you worked at it. Saki took some time off ranked altogether for awhile, it looks like.
I haven't looked at saki's stats for a whole year, last i checked he was a support main. I believe he got to plat playing support but to be honest idk. Support skill doesn't scale with mmr until the higher ranks. I've played with exactly 1 impressive support player, and he hates solo queue, but if he started playing it again he could probably get himself diamond easy peasy(zito). Even our resident diamond supporto brandi is kinda unimpressive( at least last time i played with her which I want to say was well over a year ago). It really wasn't anything special.