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xRECKONERx GD is my Best Man
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↑ JasonWazza wrote:Question is there a thing in higher elo's of who gets sweeped ward's gold? (just out of curiosity)
And i should really buy thresh.
It's 15 gold.
It really doesn't matter.- JasonWazza
JasonWazza Jack of All Trades
- JasonWazza
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↑ BROseidon wrote:↑ JasonWazza wrote:Question is there a thing in higher elo's of who gets sweeped ward's gold? (just out of curiosity)
And i should really buy thresh.
It's 15 gold.
It really doesn't matter.
I figured as much, but i actually had an ADC bitch to me that i took the ward i swept and didn't let him last hit it, and was curious if that was a thing in higher elos.Saved by my own stupidity \o/
Sometimes a Psychopath with a notebook wins.- Staeg
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- Saki
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Quinn ADC.
I only pick Quinn into mid/top if I see the enemy laners picked first and am confident that my Quinn pick won't ruin our teamcomp.
e.g) enemy picks mid Yi/Yasuo, or something like top Tryndamere/Yasuo
You should only ever pick Quinn into a lane you know you can deny and win easily. Picking Quinn into something that CAN kill you then proceed to snowball and win is pretty damn stupid.
↑ PJ. wrote:2 things:
He's a support main so rank is pretty much irrelevant
I can pass him whenever I want, I choose to duo with low silver people instead because I'm trying to help them raise up. Plat doesn't mean anything to be honest. You don't get an extra skin, and you're not actually good, cause if you were you'd be diamond.
Who's salty now?
Quinn can't reliably hold ground against a bruiser past mid-game.
They are tankier, and generally hurt Quinn more than Quinn can hurt them at that point.
Kindly shut the fuck up about Quinn in general.
Her playstyle relies on you being able to use your kit to win lane then use ultimate to roam around, get kills, end up 3k gold ahead of everyone and destroy people in teamfights with that extra 3k gold.
Or just keep picking off people with birdform burst to gain objective control.
She's pretty much an assassin with her ult up that can also somewhat hold her ground in fights without it.
Playing Quinn requires a different mindset than most other champions.
A mindset that I put beyond your ability to grasp.
↑ PJ. wrote:I haven't looked at saki's stats for a whole year, last i checked he was a support main. I believe he got to plat playing support but to be honest idk. Support skill doesn't scale with mmr until the higher ranks. I've played with exactly 1 impressive support player, and he hates solo queue, but if he started playing it again he could probably get himself diamond easy peasy(zito). Even our resident diamond supporto brandi is kinda unimpressive( at least last time i played with her which I want to say was well over a year ago). It really wasn't anything special.
I call 'fill' in ranked. I've done it since I've started solo queue.
I called myself a "support main" because in solo queue, generally "fill"="support"
but I can play any role at my level and do my own share.
I tend to shy away from conventional "strong" picks or fotm picks but that's not representative of skill, unlike the common bronze-silver sentiment that everyone who plays Urgot is super bad and everyone who playes Amumu must be god.
The main reason I dislike you and Zephyr posting is that you two love making tierlists and you really shouldn't be.
"XXX is a good ADC, XXX is not. XXX is a good item. Because XXX said so and XXX gets played in LCS."
What champions are good and what champions aren't isn't relevant to the skill level of possibly everyone in this thread.
Yet you two in particular make these objective, egotistical, and ultimately horseshit tierlists that I find extremely disturbing whenever I see one.
Really, in this game, the only thing that really matters is playing the champion that you play best.
It may be a champion that you adore, or just find that you have a certain affinity for.
But seriously, play what you play best and not what other people tell you is the best.
↑ Cabd wrote:I am probably going to take the jump and get dragged into this world. I've been debating it for a while, and sort of like supporting, and my "pre-investment" into the game was grabbing Nami, Morganna, Soraka, Annie while they were on sale. So while you all at the top yell back and forth, what's the best way for me to get STARTED learning support?
Play with agoodADC.
Pre-30 there is no concept of 'support' though.
Supports generally lack in the department of direct combat stats/skills, so you and your adc may be matched up against a lane of two bruisers, like Jinx-Nami vs Jarvan IV-Xin Zhao. And it's very likely that the J4 and Xin will end up dominating that lane pre-30.
Because runes/masteries affect the potential of J4/Xin less than Jinx/Nami, and generally people do not know how to kite/disengage/poke effectively before 30.
I highly recommend starting this game with something other than support, then switching to playing support once you have enough champions, runes, masteries, and ADC friends.
The early levels as a support are really really hard.
I know this because I set out playing League with only Janna and Soraka.
Then I picked up Yi, Tryn, and the old Evelynn (this was 2009) and had much better experience.
I switched back to playing support after I hit level 20 when I bought t3 runes and a couple more champions and have played Leona ever since.retired
LoL - Atlantica / Viera Assassin (NA)
FFXIV - Seiina Araki ofCoeurlSargantanasunsubbed
GTKAS: Saki- Maestro
Maestro he/theyJack of All Trades
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I started writing this right after this post, I'll quote it so this introduction makes sense.
quadz08 wrote:Cabd, I'd honestly advise that you don't start with learning support. First things first is learning champion mechanics, and supports tend to follow different (and less mechanically intensive) rules than the others.
A friend who I consider a good player and teacher in League specifically told me the same thing that quadz just said: he recommended I learn a very point-and-click champion, either a Mage or a Marksman, to start off. Thresh and Nocturne both looked incredibly appealing to me as champions so I wanted to eventually work up to them.
Cabd, as a Support last-hitting is only something you should worry about in the sense that youSHOULDN'Tbe doing it whenever your lane partner is around. Your partner (the Attack Damage Carry, or ADC) should get the vast majority of creep score (or CS) because they need the vast majority of the Gold. Support itemization paths are both considerably cheaper than ADC or other carry buildpaths, and Support paths also almost always include some kind of passive Gold generation item. But last-hitting is one the most basic skills youNEEDto master in League if you do eventually want to play other non-Support champions with any skill. It's a more specific take on what quadz said and it responds to something you already mentioned knowing about so I thought I'd also chime in since I've lived that starting off thing more recently than anybody except probably Iece.
I'll refrain from mentioning Junglers since that doesn't seem to be something you're heavily interested in and since I personally don't know them as a whole well enough to make recommendations, but here are two lists for you to look off of for picking champions in non-Support positions to learn.
Some of the champions in each position Ito a starting player:WOULD NOT RECOMMEND
Top - Jax, Nasus, Singed
Mid - LeBlanc, Orianna, Syndra
Bot - Draven, Jinx, Twitch
Spoiler: Top
Spoiler: Mid
Spoiler: Bot
Some of the champions in each position Ito a starting player:WOULD RECOMMEND
Top - Darius, Garen, Malphite, Ryze, Tryndamere
Mid - Karthus, Morgana, Malzahar, Xerath, Ziggs
Bot - Ashe, Ezreal, Caitlyn, Vayne, Tristana
If you read all that and maybe even what's below, thanks! Just did it to help out a fellow newbie. I'm sure the more experienced blokes will have at least one or two issues with what I've said but they can provide feedback too - this's for you Cabd. Good luck and be sure to request me and Klaz on the NA server; our IGNs are in the OP.
From the link above, for when you do start playing support, just keep in mind:
Spoiler: Ancient Coin start
Spoiler: Spellthief's Edge start
Spoiler: Relic Shield startLast edited by Maestro on Thu Aug 07, 2014 4:40 am, edited 2 times in total.- Saki
Saki Jack of All Trades
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Someone who mains suppport != a half-assed and terribad support that isn't angry about being forced to play support.
Contrary to popular belief, though, support is a much more popular role than it was back in S3.retired
LoL - Atlantica / Viera Assassin (NA)
FFXIV - Seiina Araki ofCoeurlSargantanasunsubbed
GTKAS: Saki- Saki
Saki Jack of All Trades
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Being immune to magic is fun.
Being able to root someone for 3 seconds is hilarious (and overpowered).
I really think that you shouldn't start out with support. If you're dead-set on supporting, you could pick up a couple champions that have a support-ive playstyle. Like Lux/Morgana/Orianna mid or Amumu/Sejuani/Zac/Rammus/anything with relatively hard CC in the jungle or anywhere. Position really doesn't matter pre-30.Last edited by Saki on Thu Aug 07, 2014 4:38 am, edited 1 time in total.retired
LoL - Atlantica / Viera Assassin (NA)
FFXIV - Seiina Araki ofCoeurlSargantanasunsubbed
GTKAS: Saki- mykonian
mykonian Frisian Shoulder-Demon
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↑ xRECKONERx wrote:Support is a terrible role to learn the game with and also all of the good supports are 6300.
That's such a challenge to name all the functional supports that aren't expensive. Beyond morg already, who's an in meta pick and plenty powerful as support, there are sona and janna who are still doing pretty well in winrates and have never really been gone.
Of the "good supports", leona and thresh, only leona is doing well. Apparently the shield nerf on thresh was big? 46% winrate weekly.Surrender, imagine and of course wear something nice.- Cabd
Cabd QT Sniper
- Cabd
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- Cabd
Cabd QT Sniper
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- JasonWazza
JasonWazza Jack of All Trades
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↑ mykonian wrote:↑ xRECKONERx wrote:Support is a terrible role to learn the game with and also all of the good supports are 6300.
That's such a challenge to name all the functional supports that aren't expensive. Beyond morg already, who's an in meta pick and plenty powerful as support, there are sona and janna who are still doing pretty well in winrates and have never really been gone.
Of the "good supports", leona and thresh, only leona is doing well. Apparently the shield nerf on thresh was big? 46% winrate weekly.
Of the two changes i would have thought it was the Ultimate nerf that would have hit him hardest.Saved by my own stupidity \o/
Sometimes a Psychopath with a notebook wins.- Saki
Saki Jack of All Trades
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Thresh is a popular champion, and the more popular a champion is, the lower their winrate.
Because everyone and their mother plays Thresh, the amount of bad Threshes overwhelm the amount of good ones.
Last time I checked, Fiora's been sitting above 53% winrate for the past few months and noone has really caught on to the Fiora hype.
She's really easy to single-handedly carry solo queue games with.retired
LoL - Atlantica / Viera Assassin (NA)
FFXIV - Seiina Araki ofCoeurlSargantanasunsubbed
GTKAS: Saki- Maestro
Maestro he/theyJack of All Trades
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Then the OP is hilariously outdated. Did you really read my whole post? Aw.
I'm "Maestrust" and Klazam is "Klazam" on NA. Lemme know what you thought!
PEDIT: The Shield nerf is more annoying than anything, really. You don't pick him for his Hook or Shield, I heard somebody say once, you pick him for the Lantern Train.CHOO CHOO.- Cabd
Cabd QT Sniper
- Cabd
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- Cabd
Cabd QT Sniper
- Cabd
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- Maestro
Maestro he/theyJack of All Trades
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- Saki
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Don't play support at level 5 unless you want to be frustrated as Janna and sell all your items for zerkers and IE-PD because you saw your team going back in to die after you've saved them and get 2+ reports on you for trollingretired
LoL - Atlantica / Viera Assassin (NA)
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Dropping this here:Change your champion select music!retired
LoL - Atlantica / Viera Assassin (NA)
FFXIV - Seiina Araki ofCoeurlSargantanasunsubbed
GTKAS: Saki- mykonian
mykonian Frisian Shoulder-Demon
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of course you realise this means war.Surrender, imagine and of course wear something nice.- JasonWazza
JasonWazza Jack of All Trades
- JasonWazza
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Or if they pick anyone with CC/innate tankiness.Saved by my own stupidity \o/
Sometimes a Psychopath with a notebook wins.- xRECKONERx
xRECKONERx GD is my Best Man
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↑ mykonian wrote:↑ xRECKONERx wrote:Support is a terrible role to learn the game with and also all of the good supports are 6300.
That's such a challenge to name all the functional supports that aren't expensive. Beyond morg already, who's an in meta pick and plenty powerful as support, there are sona and janna who are still doing pretty well in winrates and have never really been gone.
Of the "good supports", leona and thresh, only leona is doing well. Apparently the shield nerf on thresh was big? 46% winrate weekly.
Well, specifically, the more popular/most meta supports right now are:
Other than Morgana, they're all 6300, aren't they? Picks like Soraka, Janna, and Sona are good for learning the support role, but I don't think they're great in comparison to the six I just listed. To be fair, I haven't played either since their tweaks in 4.13, so maybe they're better now?
I agree with whoever said to pick up a pretty straightforward point-and-click champion to start with... I'd recommend a tanky/bruisery top laner since there's more room for error, or a marksman/ADC to teach you the basics of last hitting. Mid lane mages are fun, but mid lane also has a lot of expectations around it to be highly mobile around the map, and learning when to roam and rotate is not something you should be doing at the start.
If you're just playing, I think honestly the best marksmen to learn would be Ashe and Caitlyn. Ashe will teach you how to kite/orbwalk well, and her kit is really intuitive and simple (passive gold gain, passive slow on a toggle, cone damage spell, and big global ultimate). Similarly, Caitlyn makes sense because her kit is about as straightforward as they come (line shot damage, trap, escape, snipe) and she has the best range for a marksman, meaning you can safely learn to last hit and poke.
If you're playing top lane, there are plenty of options available to you. Garen is the most tried and true tank to learn -- stand in bush, spin at things, win. Teemo is actually really easy to play, too, and counters a lot of the popular top laners. And someone said Darius... I agree, very basic and easy to pick up and understand, but he's on the expensive side.green shirt thursdays- Anatole Kuragin
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Can we stop saying "salty" like this? It sounds just a stupid as when "edgy sperglord" became a thing.- mykonian
mykonian Frisian Shoulder-Demon
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↑ xRECKONERx wrote:Well, specifically, the more popular/most meta supports right now are:
Doesn't necessarily mean they are the strongest or the likeliest to help you win the game. Of that list, only morg, leona and nami do well (though obviously lulu's lolking stats are contaminated). As if you could only win games as support by buying a 6300 champ.Surrender, imagine and of course wear something nice. - mykonian
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- JasonWazza
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- JasonWazza
- BROseidon