So I'm getting back into LoL now that I live with people who play it regularly which has re-kindled my love for Dominion. Today I decided to re-learn Dominion and picked up Gnar figuring if I was going to lose a bunch of games while I re-learned the map I might as well have fun and learn a new champion. However instead I learned that the Elo decay is real and Riot foiled by cunning plan to lose my way to being decent again.
I did however enjoy Gnar immensely, his kit is quite well suited to Dominion as well, the map allows him to largely bypass his weak early game and rewards his mobility and poke. Boomerangs difficulty is really overhyped, it took a bit but once you're familiar with when it calculates its return path you can predict it fairly easily. The main difficulty I had was the sheer cast time on Mega-Gnars abilites, the other team was able to interupt his non-ult skills fairly easily. I followed the cookie cutter BoRK -> Tank build which I think is the correct build path for him but I am tempted to experiment with a Shiv if I'm against a team with a low number of gap-closers.
Routine day with a dirt cheap brush
Then a week goes by and it goes untouched
Then two, then three, then a month
Then the rest of your life, you beat yourself up
(Image and mix credit The Drunken Moogle)
So these are fucking awesome. You have to get the Advocaat from a specialty store or import it though, at least around here bars don't carry it. If you're in California, Bevmo carries it.
Not a huge midori fan but i'd probably try the lulu one.
Last edited by Cabd on Fri Aug 22, 2014 11:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
Have retired for good; Life is too busy to have time or energy for mafia. It was fun~
I might have to steal Singed Insanity Potion one for work.
How many people long for that "past, simpler, and better world," I wonder,
without ever recognizing the truth that perhaps it was they who were simpler and better,
and not the world about them?
↑PJ. wrote:I know a handful of people were in skype with me earlier when I said this, but to the people that weren't, no one believes Riot when they say these server issues are DDoS, right?
That's always counted my hours wrong. I checked like a year ago and I was at 30 days. Then I checked a month ago and I was at 32ish. And now I'm at 29.
But if you don't get a BF sword your f irst back you're kinda meh until mid-late
Your build sucks.
Tear rush, next item varies by playstyle. The sentinels and f5 midlaners go different things (and they are the only people whose Jayce opinions count other than that Korean challenger guy)
Maestrust, you've spent about 295 hours on League of Legends which means 12 days of your life.
You are 380036th on NA servers and 2454806th in the world.
But if you don't get a BF sword your f irst back you're kinda meh until mid-late
Your build sucks.
Tear rush, next item varies by playstyle. The sentinels and f5 midlaners go different things (and they are the only people whose Jayce opinions count other than that Korean challenger guy)
Just because something is the ideal build in professional team play against professional players does not mean that it is an ideal or even relatively desirable approach in ranked silver solo queue.
Not that I disagree that Tear is really comfortable. Just saying.
↑Iecerint wrote:The hours are kinda off because I'm pretty sure it's counting the time the client is open rather than the time that you spent in games.
At least I hope so. Otherwise I spent 1/7 of my life since I started playing league non-stop.
From what i have heard it's based on the IP you've gained (so is rather off if you buy IP boosts)
↑notscience wrote:I build tear if I don't have enough for the BF
I just like to rush the new lifesteal mana thing
So in other words you give up a huge late game power spike for a pretty meh early game power spike.
Muramana + IE late game with fully leveled W is beautiful (My max crit is like 1.4k)
Not only can you 2 shot the Carry late game (which is beautiful) you can duel most tanky champs so well (Jax type champs)
I have gone against a full health full build jax as half health jayce at the end of a team fight, and lost with him on 100 health (and to be fair it was because i failed to change forms when i should have)
↑Iecerint wrote:Just because something is the ideal build in professional team play against professional players does not mean that it is an ideal or even relatively desirable approach in ranked silver solo queue.
Also just as a point, something that benefits late game is better in ranked silver because of the lack of closing out a game.
(meaning you have time to hit a massive power spike)