And you just happened to never mention 28 kill mega fed akali that carried the fuck out of you in any of your post? GTFO
Here's a picture of a carry, cause you've obviously never seen one before
Oh and all that was in the face of ridiculously mega fed nidalee
So there, now you've seen what a carry looks like. Go free farm top some more.
@Oman, You were never a cunt. This is how we treat whiny cunts. I'm always willing to politely help a new player, but they have to ask for help. I'm honestly done with this guy. Guess what, you don't need 800 stacks with fucking nasus to come smash a game out. 300-400 is more than enough. Only reason his idiot split push strat worked is because his Akali was DOING WORK while he free farmed lanes, so instead of his team losing 4v5s and objectives, Akali was outplaying the entire enemy team and winning short handed fights while this idiot nasus pushed random outer turrets and free farmed and was like "LOOK GUYS I'M APPLYING PRESSURE" no you aren't you fucking idiot, Akali is killing the enemy team while you're farming. This guy is basically a monkey fucking a cocunut. He brags about stupid shit that is better off not being mentioned and the only time he asks for advice is so he can tell people that are RIDICULOUSLY higher skilled them him that they are wrong and that his way is better, which it isn't or he wouldn't be stuck in OCE Bronze.
Sometimes a sandwich is just a sandwich.