Rules of Engagement
Stolen from myself, mostly.
0. Obey all site rules.
1. Each day will last a number of days equal to 1.2 times the number of living players, to a maximum of fourteen days and minimum of seven days. IF I grant deadlines, it will be as I see fit.
2. I will prod a player after fourty-eight hours without posting. If a player accumulates three prods in a game, I will replace that player.
3. If you need to go on V/LA for whatever reason, please PM me for how long. You will have until twenty-four hours after that date to post again.
4. Voting is to be done in either bold text or vote brackets. I will not count any attempts to vote that are not in one of those two formats. Unvotes are not required.
5. A lynch is achieved when half of the current votes, rounded down plus one have voted for a player. Once that event has happened, all votes are locked and the day will end.
6. If a deadline is achieved and a player has not achieved the majority for lynching, then a no lynch will occur.
7. Once your dead, your dead. Please do not post anymore. If you were replaced out for whatever reason, please do not post in thread.
8. You may not discuss the game outside this thread with other players involved in the game unless your role specifically says so. If you can, you may only discuss at the quicktopic/private topic listed to in your PM. You may have a 'rant buddy' who is outside the game, but I wish to be informed of their identity for replacement purposes. Don't abuse this.
9. Anyone who is not playing but wishes to commentate on the game may PM for access to a spectator thread. Any player who has died will be given access to the spectator thread.
10. I am not responsible for your mistakes. If you screw up a tag or something, I will not edit it for you. If you have the ability to edit posts, please do not do so.
11. Avatars, titles, signatures, and your location are out-of-game areas.
12. I only allow hydrae if they have a maximum of two heads
and are public
13. Please do not quote out-of-thread communications. This includes any communications between heads of a hydra. I am not afraid to modkill, so do not test me.
14. Players may only use one active ability per phase unless otherwise stated.
15. Although somewhat divine, I am prone to mistakes. If I miss anything, please PM me and I will resolve the issue as best as possible.
16. Bolded Purple is my color, it would serve you well not to use it.
17. Daytalk is enabled for all factions by default.
Town Win Condition
> You win when all non-town, non-neutral factions are dead.