↑ Nashville Dreams wrote:
There was one of her, flippin' the bird
Sittin' on a Harley
And a few with some hairy hippie dude
Turns out his name was Charlie
Her hair, her clothes, her drinkin' smokin'
Had us boys confused
I'll never forget the day us nosey kids got introduced
To Mama, 'fore she was Mama
Um, didn't I answer it before?
My other head and I synced. We are leaning town on IHNC, CS, gut-lean town on Tammy-hydra, also gut-leaning town on Mara hydra.
Would you like to provide any reasoning at all? Or even link to a post that indicates those player's towniness or scuminess?
---- After this post I'm going to collect my thoughts before I spam the DP with quotes.